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☆ 13. Chapter 13font record

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Chapter 13

"It's you, what's the matter?" Zhang Yun asked, rubbing his face.

"I would like to ask about the construction of houses in our village." Although Sui Yi felt that it was a bit bad to disturb people at this time, he came anyway...

"There are specific regulations here. You can take a look and choose one when the time comes. Just leave it to me." Zhang Yun dug out a half-finger-thick picture book from the pile of documents on his desk.

Sui Yi was shocked when he got it: "Our village has so many choices!"

Zhang Yun was speechless when he heard this: "What are you thinking about? These are from twenty villages, and the ones from our village are on the last three pages." Zhang Yun took it. After passing through the album, he flipped through three pages from back to front and showed them to Sui Yi.

"These are all, you can choose as you go. Give me the money directly when the time comes, and the construction team will arrive the next day."

Sui Yi took the album and scanned the three pages in a few glances, realizing that there was really no choice. necessary, because they are all pretty much the same, the only difference is the number of houses and the number of floors.

She originally planned to build a two-story building, but she didn't expect that the difference between the first and second floors was ten times. A single-story bungalow cost 10 alliance coins, but the second floor actually cost 100 alliance coins. What was the difference between this and robbing money? No wonder I haven't seen a house with more than one floor in the village. It turns out it's not because I don't like it but because I can't afford it.

Not to mention that the second floor can't be built, even the first floor of Sui Yi can't be built, because the total wealth of her and Zhou Linlin's body is only 6 alliance coins and 13 dinars!

Sui Yi looked at the album repeatedly for a while, then looked at Zhang Yun, feeling a little embarrassed to open her mouth.

Finally, Zhang Yun saw something and sighed: "The village center can borrow money, but the borrowed money must be repaid within half a year. Each borrowing cannot exceed 8 alliance coins. Each person only has one chance every three years. If the loan cannot be repaid within half a year, the village affairs center will hand the person over to the Beiqing Army through the village committee, who will pay off the debt with work based on the individual's circumstances."

"Beiqing Army?" Sui Yi raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it is the Northern Qing Army. However, I advise you not to go that step. After all, this is not joining the Northern Qing Army, but working for the Northern Qing Army. The gap between the two can be said to be a day and a day." Zhang Yun He explained to the side that after all, there have been people who wanted to join the Beiqing Army and deliberately owed debts without repaying them. In the end, they were really sent away. Within two days, they were shouting crazily for repayment. What is the Beiqing Army? There is no place where you can go back on your word. He stayed there for two years, and when he came back, whenever anyone mentioned the Northern Qing Army, his whole body started to tremble, which shows the depth of fear.

"Sorry to bother the village chief, I'll go back and discuss it with my friends first." Of course she wouldn't decide on building a house by herself. She would have to ask Zhou Linlin if she wanted to borrow money, even though she was very confident that she could do it in less than a month. Even if you pay back the money, you still won’t make your own decision.

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