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☆ 25. Chapter 25font record

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Chapter 25

Everyone quickly finished drawing lots. Sui Yi declined the dozen or so elders and aunties who wanted to go on her behalf, and followed the small team towards the seed treatment plant.

Zhang Yun and Jiang Qingshan sandwiched Sui Yi in the middle and warned her about the precautions of the seed treatment plant all the way, for fear that she would be contaminated with chemical reagents if she did not perform the operation properly.

"Don't do anything, just sit and chat. Aunt Jiang from our village will take you all the way. You listen to Aunt Jiang the whole time..." Zhang Yun warned Sui Yi, and Jiang Qingshan pulled over his old mother and also warned her.

"Mom, please be careful when you are bringing people with you. Don't keep talking to them, let alone promote your son. Sui Yi came back from Zhongmeng and has seen the world. You just need to ensure her safety when the time comes. Those Don't let her touch chemical reagents..."

Aunt Jiang waved her hands impatiently: "Do you think your mother is stupid? I am more reliable than you! Don't worry if you leave it to me!"

Jiang Qingshan listened. She was even more worried. Sometimes his mother was impulsive and couldn't stand it. Sometimes the management of the village couldn't control her. He, who was born as a son, had no say in front of her. It seemed that he had to find someone else to be with her.

Jiang Qingshan looked around and his eyes fell on Chen Cuifang who was bringing her daughter.

"Aunt Cuifang, you will follow Sui Yi with Xiaodi later. My mother is usually fine, but she is a bit serious when things happen. Sometimes she just doesn't care about anything because of her emotions. When the time comes, Aunt, you must be optimistic. Sui Yi, if anything happens, come to me right away. The village chief and I are in the nearest area." Jiang Qingshan repeatedly warned the two people. His mouth was dry after talking, and then he led a group of men to another area. Go.

The seed treatment plant is divided into men and women. The area assigned to men will have a lot of heavy industrial products, waste materials and the like. The women's area has more pharmaceuticals and the like. If you are lucky, you may be able to pick up some pharmaceuticals that have not expired, but most of them are chemical products. Some of the products are even highly toxic. If one of them gets contaminated, they have to go to the city to see a doctor.

Based on the current administrative divisions of Beimeng, Beiqing is the capital, and there are twenty-six cities under each city. There are twenty villages. For people in these villages, going to the city is already a big deal, so generally no one will go to the city unless there are special circumstances, and the fare is not cheap, and you can eat whatever you have for the money. I've had enough to eat for three days.

But there are always situations where you have to go, such as poisoning, corrosion, burns and other various problems. The seed treatment plant is really too big. The seed treatment plant sounds nice, but what it looks like inside is only the people of the Northern Alliance. You know, this is more of a garbage treatment plant than a seed treatment plant. The other four major alliances dump a large amount of domestic waste here every day. They buy it at extremely low prices, then sort it, and finally transport it together. Go to the far north ice sheet for low-temperature degradation treatment.

This is a very tedious and dirty job, but it is the basis for the survival of the Northern League people today. Including their capital, there is no shortage of such seed processing plants. In addition to training troops, the Northern Qing Army also does this kind of work in daily life. The work they deal with is even more dangerous. Some of the abandoned weapons here may be in tatters. Many of them are no longer dangerous, but there are many real guys on the Beiqing Army side. Every once in a while, you can hear that there are News about the death of Qing soldiers in a seed treatment plant.

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