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☆ 7. Chapter 7font record

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Chapter 7

As soon as this news was exposed, it became popular among the five major alliances, and red seeds became all the rage. Countless people spent a lot of money to collect them, but unfortunately, those sealed seeds that had been separated for nearly a year have all become inactive. So until Sui Yi's death, only the farmer from the Western Alliance planted the red mutation seed that was rare in the world.

Now, she actually has two in her hand! It feels a little unreal just thinking about it!

Sui Yi suppressed her joy and carefully placed the glass bottle close to her body. She still wanted to buy some Jinsu 23 seeds before there were more choices.

There are still a lot of Jinsu 23 seeds in the market, but there are many inferior varieties among these seeds, and it is very difficult to distinguish them. As a result, many people paid the price of high-quality seeds and finally bought them home and found that they were all inferior varieties.

The germination ratio of low-quality seeds is 3:1, which can be said to be very cruel. This has led to many people not easily coming to the seed market in the countryside to buy Golden Millet 23. They usually go there. The price is relatively expensive, but the quality is relatively stable. Purchase from the premium section of the Alliance Seed Market.

Sui Yi is also considered a bold artist. The distinction between good and bad varieties of Jinsu 23 is actually very simple. Just look at the distribution of texture according to the weight of the seeds. The shell of Jinsu 23 seeds is a bit round, with a stripe on it. A rough pattern may look messy to an outsider, but Sui Yi can see the seed line of the seed at a glance, and after following the seed line for a while, he can distinguish it.

But what Sui Yi didn't expect was that there were so few fine varieties of Golden Millet 23 here. It would be no exaggeration to say that they were only one in a hundred. No wonder almost no one dared to touch them. Therefore, Sui Yi visited more than a dozen stalls before buying six fine varieties of golden millet 23.

After buying these six seeds, she only had 3 alliance coins and 90 dinars left with her. Sui Yi planned to shop around again before making a final decision.

There are many seeds here, and the types are also diverse. Sui Yi asked for prices and looked around, and stopped at a stall that looked very exquisite and high-end. This stall was surrounded by bright ambient lights, which illuminated the glass pictures under the seeds. The photo is very beautiful. Although only two kinds of seeds are sold here, everyone who passes by will look at it longingly and quickly take it back, and then leave in a hurry, for fear of stopping after one more glance.

Glass pictures are very high-definition and very three-dimensional pictures. These pictures are usually specially customized. The two pictures in this booth obviously put a lot of effort into it.

The bright red tomatoes still stained with dewdrops and the beautiful orange-red oranges hanging all over the tree are blinding. Of course, what is even more blinding is the price marked below: 50/150 alliance coins!

That’s right, not dinars, but alliance coins! You must know that her and Zhou Linlin's total net worth is only 36 alliance coins, and they can't afford a tomato seed worth 50 alliance coins!

Of course it's not just them who can't afford it, Sui Yi dares to say that 99% of people in this sub-market can't afford it!

Today's fruits are like diamonds in history, expensive and beautiful, but compared to diamonds that can only be used for decoration, fruits are actually in demand by more people. Although artificial synthetic vitamins have long been popular in the league, fruits have almost all One thing that even grains don’t have is fructose.

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