Running back to you

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It's been a couple days since leaving London; leaving Alexander. My body hasn't moved from my bed since. I felt numb and cold as I laid here. Alexander has texted and called but I didn't want to pick up my phone. Callie has come to check in on me with Amber but I didn't want to see anyone anymore. The hurt I have been feeling has sank into my bones and nothing seemed like it would take it away. I didn't know how to deal with this pain. This pain was different from what I felt when I lost my mom. That was the one person I would want right now; is her. She would know how to take this pain away; she always did. 

Rain pattered against my floor to ceiling window. I watched the grey clouds fill the sky for the past few days. Seattle resembled what was happening inside me. I felt so empty inside and broken. They say that you can die from heartbreak but I knew I wasn't dying; but I felt like I was dying inside. I let out a sigh before trying to push myself up. I needed to eat something but every time I tried, I would bring it back up. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't do anything. This was different from the past heartbreaks from Alexander. 

My feet shuffled down the hallway as I wrapped my arms around my body. The grey hoodie I was wearing clung onto my body. I made my way to the kitchen and opened my fridge. I sighed as I saw that it was almost empty. Instead of grabbing food, I closed the fridge doors and grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it up with water. I sipped at it slowly and wandered back to my room. My phone began to buzz once I reached my bedroom. I finally picked up the phone and saw Callies name flash on the screen. 

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Georgy, I've been trying to call you," She said in a rush.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been really on my phone much," I explained.

I was beginning to get a headache now.

"Have you talked to Alexander?" She asked.

I pinched my the bridge of nose; regretting my next response. 

"No, Why?" I questioned her.

"He hasn't been answering his phone for days now and I have tried a million time, I feel like something bad happened to him," Callie explained to me.

I perked up and froze.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She sighed into the phone.

"I feel like something is happening to him. My mom has tried to call him too," Callie whimpered.

I couldn't think straight at this point. Anxiety built up inside me thinking about Alexander. If something bad has happened to him I don't think I could live with myself.

"Okay um, I'll try to call him," I breathed.

"Thank you so much, I am so sorry for bothering you," She apologized.

"No no your fine," I said hanging up.

I brought myself to look at the messages from Alexander and nothing looked out of the ordinary. A sigh left my lips as I pressed the call button. A couple of rings went through before he picked up.

"Hello?" A girls voice answered.

The sound of her high voice shattered my heart. He already moved on. How could I be so stupid to think that he hasn't? A single tear ran down my cheek. I didn't think that there would be any more tears inside me from all the crying I have done.

"Who is it?" I heard at the other end from a deep voice.

It was his voice. The smooth and low British accent I was dying to hear once more. 

"I don't know, some girl named Georgy," The girl answered back.

"Hey!" The girl said faintly.

"Georgy?" Alexander asked breathlessly.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"Hello?" He asked.

I quickly hung up the phone and put my phone down on my nightstand. Thousands of thoughts went through my mind. So many questions built inside me. I curled into a ball on my bed and sobbed. My phone began to buzz over and over again but I couldn't answer. Pain washed over me and it felt like I was going to be sick. I quickly ran into my en-suite bathroom and threw up the contents of water in me. Once I was finished, I brushed my teeth and wiped a cold cloth over my face.

My hollow eyes looked back at me in the mirror. My skin was pale and green; I didn't recognize myself. The girl in the mirror was frail and broken. My mess bun sat on the top of my bed and the hoodie hung down my shoulders and waist. I pushed the sight of me away from the mirror and made my way back to my bed.



I pulled my phone away from my ear and froze. The blonde girl wrapped her arms around my waist which made me flinch. I pulled away from her and turned to face her. She looked at me with an offended look on her face. She pressed her lips together and crossed her arms over her chest. I slowly put my phone into my pocket and rushed past the girl.

"Where the hell are you going?" She asked with annoyance.

My feet thumped up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed my passport from the nightstand and began to throw clothes into a duffle bag. I rushed around my room like a maniac. Once I finished running around my room, I grabbed the bag and passport. I quickly ran down the stairs and reached for my keys, jacket and shoes. I hopped while putting on my shoes.

"Hello? Did you not hear me? Where are you going?" The girl asked before I ran out the door. 

The door slammed behind me as my fingers fumbled with my keys. I unlocked my car door and slid into my car. The engine started up and I moved swiftly down the street. 

I sped down the street and through traffic. Car horns blared behind me  but I didn't care in this moment. I headed towards the airport and reached it in record speed. I parked my black Audi in the airport parking and rushed to pay for parking. I grabbed my stuff and ran to the departure doors. People hustled through the airport as I pushed past them. A lot of angry heys shouted around me as I cut the line.

"I need a ticket to Seattle airport right now!" I gasped loudly. 

The lady at the front desk took my passport in a hurry and typed into her computer. She tried to tell me the price but I quickly whipped out my wallet and threw my credit card onto the counter. She swiped it into the machine and handed it back to me.

"Your flight leaves in fifteen minutes," She informed me.

"Perfect!" I yelled and grabbed my passport and card back from her. 

My feet thumped against the marble floor of the airport to security. They took their time checking my things.

"Can you guys hurry up please? I need to go," I said carefully.

They quickly put my stuff back into the bag and sent me through the machine. I snatched my duffle bag from the tray and took off like a flash towards my gate. My eyes scanned the numbers of gates and landed on my gate. People in the line shuffled their feet against the carpet. Once I made it to the line, I cut people in the line and handed my boarding pass and passport to the women at the desk. I was out of breath and sweaty from all the running I've done. The lady ripped my ticket and handed me my stuff back. 

My feet carried me down the tunnel and onto the plane. I panted as I stood in the line of passengers. The stares from them worried me but I chose to the ignore them. I impatiently waited as they moved onto the plane. I couldn't think straight as I boarded the plane. I was doing this. I needed to get Georgy back to me and I know she said she needed time but I couldn't give it to her. Every part of me wanted her in my arms. This flight was going to be the longest flight of my life. 

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