Virgil hesitated only a second, looking down to see the guards all coming after him. Some split off from the main group, running up the steps that led to him, as the rest tailed him from below. All this because of a loaf of bread. Virgil's breath hitched as he stumbled back, the guards steadily moving closer with their swords. Virgil panicked as his foot slipped making him jerk back to avoid falling. The guards all laughed as the closest one went to grab him.

Virgil's eyes set with a sudden seriousness as he took off without the slightest hesitance, balancing perfectly on the thin wooden frame before launching himself onto a sign. The guards yelled as Virgil wasted no time throwing himself over this locked fencing, separating himself from the guards enough to get away without being spotted.

Virgil silently made his way further from the city center as the sun's slow crawl through the sky finally started to near its end. Virgil carefully pushed this large grate out of the way, with a grunt over his exhaustion, before crawling into the tunnel and closing it behind him.

When he finally popped out on the other side of the wall he let out an exhausted breath. He pushed the back up more on his shoulder as he stumbled his way into the woods, finding his hideout far enough away from the wall.

His eyes lit up as he gently pushed his leaf sheet out of the way just collapsing into his bed. He shakingly pulled out his small piece of bread and just melted as he sat up against the base of the tree he built his shelter around. He nibbled slowly on the bread as he looked up through the hole in his makeshift rough, seeing the stars starting to show in the sky.

Today was a good day. Virgil's eyes shimmered as he snuggled into his ratted hoodie with a content sigh. He helped a friend, got some food, and managed to get away without getting hurt. All in all, today was a great day. Maybe tomorrow he'd head to the pond for a wash...

Yeah... a wash would be nice. Virgil hummed softly as he wrapped the rest of his bread back up before laying himself down into the leaves and randomness he had for a bed. He cuddled his hoodie close as he smiled. Maybe after the pond, he could find something to fix his shelter a bit. Maybe he'll even have another good day...

Just maybe he might get somewhere...

Virgil smiled as he sat there beside the pond, cooling water beside him. He was setting up his makeshift washboard as he waited. He was lucky. He managed to find that one flower... He didn't know what the name of it was but the sent was amazing. When boiled it creates a kind of soap-like substance. It's not perfect but it got a lot of the dirt and grime off his clothes and that was what was important. It wasn't good to use on his skin though so he was just going to have to resign with not bathing for just a bit longer.

That's ok though. It wouldn't be for that much longer. He'd sell some herbs and get enough coins for some proper soap and maybe a cheap meal. He already had his herb bag nearing full. Virgil hesitated a bit as he thought about it all. He had some money saved up hidden back at home. He had enough to stay at an inn and get a proper shower even... but if he spent any of that he wouldn't have enough saved up for the winter months and he was in desperate need of building a better shelter. All the money he had was being saved up for a good-quality quilt. He didn't have long until the first snow anyway.

Virgil sighed as he checked the water beside him, feeling that it was a decent temperature before getting up to grab his clothes. He almost couldn't remember a time in which he had proper walls to surround him and keep him safe. When the winter months weren't something he had to worry about... when food that wasn't hunted or caught by him wasn't a once-in-a-while treat to himself. Then again even then... It wasn't every day he managed to catch something.

Virgil sat himself down on the trunk of this fallen tree as he harshly rubbed his dirty shirt against the warped and rusted metal of his handmade washboard. The suds built up as he just melted into the movement letting his mind wander.

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