The action pulls at my stitches and the wound I didn't even know I had on my back starts aching worse than anything I've ever felt before. Laying flat on the bed I try not to move to calm down the burning sensation which floods my body, even the simple movement of breathing strains my chest too much. The sound of a hushed arguement changes my focus to whoever is behind the door. The yelling becomes louder and I tense at the noise. 

The door swings open to reveal Alexander standing in the doorway with Alejandro behind him with a pissed expression. Alex just stares at me and I give him a blank stare in return. He doesn't deserve my time and I can't be bothered for his stories right now.

He turns to Alejandro, "Could we have a moment?" He asks and Alejandro gives him a nod after a moment of hesitaton.

Alex closes the door and walks over to my bed, I stiffen up and he stops walking.

"I know you don't want to speak to me"

"You're right, I don't" I reply bluntly, catching him slightly offguard.

"Let me explain and if you don't like what I have to say then, I won't bother you again" He purses his lips.

I scan both of his eyes and give him the nod of approval.

Hope is regained in his eyes, "My loyalties are to Nicholas and this mafia, I was working undercover in the Italian mafia for a few years to leak information. Whilst on a mission once, your brother Dario found me and offered me a proposal. It was to help him find you, which I agreed to obviously out of respect for this mafia. Dario will eventually tell you his side of things but I'm telling you now my story. When you came through to the Italians, I noticed the slight resemblance you had to a portait I'd seen of your Mother, but I still kept you under the radar until I was certain you were the girl we were looking for" He finishes.

"And I was" I say confidently.

"All I wanted was for this mafia to have stability and you beind here means that no one can keep you as leverage." He pauses, "Dario and I's mission isn't completely over, you were only the first part of this task but I can't say anything else until the time is right" 

"I want names", I change the topic.

"Names?" His face scrunches in confusion.

"Who else is involved?" I narrow my eyes.

He sighs, "You're smart. She wasn't meant to be apart of it, but Tess is. She caught me one day talking to my brother Antonio and threatened to kill me if I didn't tell her what I was doing" He smiles slightly.

"Antonio, why do I recognise that name?" I ask.

He sighs again, "He's Lucia's uncle" 

I gasp quitely, "So that means you're the unkown other brother!"

He nods repeatedly, "That was a shock, Lucia I was not aware of and nor did Antonio know of her existence" 

I lick my teeth, "Are you going to get her back?"

He shakes his head, "She's under Marco's protection which means that she's safe"

"And that also means you're my cousin" 

He beams, "Bingo"

I rub my forehead, "This is too much for one night"

"It's actually 11am" He corrects.

I roll my eyes,"So Tess is the person you called when I told Dario to get Marco to safety" I catch on slowly and he nods in response, "Why is Tess helping you anyways?"

"She hates Stefano more than anybody, even more than Marco. And she has every right to especially considering the ordeals that she went through because of him. Either way our mission is to take him down but I've said too much already" He winks.

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