jfk commits die pt.2 [not mine]

180 3 9

Tw for suicide

Short but effective!!!! Will make you cry in 10 seconds garunteed or your money back

Dave hadn't done this in so long. God, it was uncomfortable compared to Jack's floor or bed. (SEX) But he couldn't go back, no matter how cold it gets here or how comfortable his bed is.(FOR SEX) (I'm sorry) The metal of the Fazbender's dumpster was cold, especially in this weather. At least the cold distracted him. He was no longer thinking about Jack. Every time he thought about his Old Sport, he would either smile or cry until it hurt.

Fazbenders closed early and opened late now. Dave, of course, didn't show up. They were missing their performers and losing so many customers. Dave wondered what Peter would do if he found him. Dave doesn't want anyone to find him. He wants to crawl into a corner of a dumpster behind an abandoned building and die. (Wanna crawl up and die it's social suicide)  The closest thing to an abandoned building is Fazbenders. Peter might find him, but Dave wouldn't be the first dead body he's found in a dumpster.

These thoughts were not helping him.

What's even the point anymore? Henry would be mad, but he doesn't care about Henry at this point. Jack always hated him anyway. He's gotten so low that he doesn't even care about Henry anymore. (Pathetic little bitch boy - Henry) God.

.•° Pweemtar's POV°•.

We had barely been getting any customers. Ever since Jack died, I haven't seen Dave. And Jack's obviously not here. God. At least the stupid fuckin profanity filter doesn't work in my thoughts. How do I even have thoughts?

I whistled (somehow) as I cleaned the small amount of mucus left from the small amount of kids from the small amount of performers. Then I swept. Then I left, grabbing my coat and locking the door behind me. I slipped on the coat and was on my way. I have to take out the trash. But it can wait until tomorrow. I'm sure nothing bad can happen in that time frame, right?

I see those tears you pathetic little idiot

Have fun being sad

Written by average-dsaf-fan on Tumblr

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