Comfort after Betrayal

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CW // none(?)

This is not a ship chapter. I swear to The Real Fredbear.

she/they for Dee, any for Dave, he/him for Jack (although he's barely here)


"Well, that's that, then, is it? She's gone. You destroyed her." Dave glared. He gestured to Dee, who was curled up on the floor, all motivation to fight gone. Jack only stared back with his everlasting grin. "Good riddance to bad rubbish." Dave wanted to slap him and wipe that stupid creepy smile off his face.

"So, it's just you now, is it?"

"Sportsy, I'm not gonna keep fighting 'til there's nothin' left of me too."

"Aw. Shame." Jack retorted.

"But, lemme tell you one thing. I'll admit it, your sister sure didn't go down easy," Dave scowled at Jack, clenching his fists, and feeling anger rise in his throat. "Here's the thing about Dave motherfuckin' Miller, sportsy. I don't stay down at all. I will come back. I always do."

Dave got close to Jack and pointed at his chest with his index finger. "You can leave this place, but I will pursue you. I will find you. Maybe not psychically, but believe me, I will. Every night, for the rest of your life, you will suffer nightmares. You will remember every bad thing that has ever happened to you. Just know, that'll be me. My soul, in your head. You're free to run now and never return to this place, if you'd like. But, I will find you. You will NEVER be alone again."

Dave kept on glaring as Jack turned and left, his footsteps becoming quieter and quieter as he faded out of view. Dave quickly flipped the man off before turning to Dee. He stood there awkwardly for a brief moment, then sat down with Dee. She sniffled and wiped away some gray-ish tears. She stayed staring down at her knees.

" ya' need a band-aid or somethin'? Since Jack only really aimed for you..." Dave offered, picking a piece of stray lint off of Dee. She shook her head. She hiccuped. "I thought...I thought he had learned...I thought he wasn't going to kill any more kids..." They said in a small voice. Dave looked away and stared off at the floor. "Yeah, me too, I guess." He mumbled.

"Well, what could you really expect from him? He's been dead for, what, 2 decades? More? I dunno. He killed kids with me—reality me— back in 87. Or maybe 83, I can't remember." Dave sighed. "I know, it's just-" Dee hiccuped. "I thought we had bonded. Or something. I thought he finally understood why I hated how he killed so many kids. I-" Dee collapsed into sobs again. "I was wrong. I was all wrong!" She wailed into her knees. Dave hesitated before rubbing her back. "...'s not your fault, ya sock puppet. You couldn't have known. Hell, I didn't know until I looked into reality me's eyes! It's alright." Dave tried to sound comforting, but he felt like his tone came off more as ranting. He glanced over at Dee, who was slowly calming down, albeit slowly.

Dee sniffled and wiped her eyes, before taking a deep and shaky breath. "I just want the old Jack back...he was nice, silly, and he was never scary..." They mumbled. Dave smiled faintly. "Well, if it helps, when I knew him, he was really goofy. He could always make me laugh." He tried to comfort her, but she seemed out of it.

Dave opted for a comfortable silence.


sorry for the short chapter. I've been busy with a lot of things, and I couldn't seem to figure out Dee and Dave's interactions.

word count (minus a/n): 601

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