Dave's interlude

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Brief implied abuse, also DSaF 3 good ending. Look out and be safe.

I based Dee's interlude off of 'My Grandfather's Clock' so I decided to loosely base Dave's off of 'Just Take My Wallet'. I hate this one though, I am 97% sure I'm going to re-write it.


The small purple kid sat down on the curb of a street. This one seemed less busy, only a few people walked by every now and then. He would sometimes wave to see if he could receive some spare change, or at least anything other than sympathy. However, most people either glared or rushed away. William bit the inside of his cheek as he sat in silence until a taller woman walked up to him.

"What are you doing...?" She asked. William looked up. The woman's confused looks shifted into one of...disgust once she saw his sunken eyes and purple complexion. "I'm, um..." Will struggled to find his words. "I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up. He- He's at work, over there in that building." He lied, pointing to a nearby corner-store. The woman pursed her lips, then walked away. Somewhat. She lingered around at a distance from William. He didn't appreciate that. "...Don't you have somewhere to go? Away from here? With a husband or something?" He asked bluntly, seemingly unaware as to how rude he sounded. The woman glared. "I'm just curious to see what you're going to do. You seem increasingly suspicious, you know." She wagged a finger at him accusingly. William's eyebrows furrowed.

He doesn't quite remember what he said or did after that, but the woman looked pissed off. Or maybe upset. And his face hurt. Maybe he something wrong and got slapped. The woman's face was red an her eyes were teary. William turned his head as he heard concrete crunching behind him. A little kid holding what Will assumed to be the kid's father's hand. The little boy pointed at the woman near him. "Your mama's crying." He spoke, his voice childish. "Oh, that's not..." Will started, but felt it would be better to just agree. "She's just a bit upset." He mumbled. "The little bitch kicked me!" The woman spat. William looked away. He didn't know these people, why were they so close to him, and why were they talking so much? He just wanted them to go away! The little kid's father leaned down to meet Will's eyes.

"You're mothers lying, isn't she? What's she trying to do to you? ...Does this happen often?" He asked. His voice was so sweet. But William hated it. "Nothing. No. Go away!" He said harshly. He got up, dusted himself off, and started walking through the busier part of town to find another quiet spot.

The next quiet spot he found was a dumpster in the dead of night. It was still better than yesterday.


Dave was laying on the carpeted floor of Jack's room. Jack was sitting down, chatting away. He sounded tired. "Dave? You still awake?" The tangerine's voice cut through the buzzing in Dave's mind. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm up, Sportsy! Jus' thinking about the stuff we've done." Dave looks over and smiles. "You mean killing kids?" Jack raises an eyebrow. "Nah, I mean Vegas. Didn't we do karaoke or somethin'? Good times. Good times are singin'. With you, of course, who else?" Dave chuckles. Jack thinks for a moment, then nods. "Yeah. We sang, we sang." Jack smiles fondly. "God, those times are echoin' through me. I love thinkin' about that stuff. We should do karaoke again sometime."

Dave reaches out for Jack's hand, and Jack takes it, intertwining their fingers. "I love you, tangerine." Dave said. "Whatever you say, Dave."


Dave stared at the void, holding Blackjack. He didn't want to face Jack right now. He refused to believe he couldn't go with the rest of the group. He couldn't lose the one person who stuck by his side through everything. He just couldn't. Tears struck his eyes as the dog in his arms nuzzled up to him to try and make him feel better. "Dave, just...look at me. Please." Jack spoke. Dave shook his head, sniffling. "I can't. I cant, if I- if I look at you, then- then we'll say goodbye, and I'll lose everything that is important to me, and I can't. I can't lose you, please, just- make- make a deal with Fredbear, o-okay? I don't even know where the hell he is, if he's dead or not, but you have to find some way to stay with us—with me—please." Dave's voice quivered, and he hated it.

"Dave, I have to go."

"No, please-" Dave turned around rapidly, finally giving up. Jack was holding a collar that read 'Blackjack'. Dave wanted to sob his heart out, but he didn't. He sniffled and coughed as he felt his lungs fill with ice. "I guess this is goodbye, Old Sport." He spoke. He saw the look of despair in Jack's eyes. "I love you." Dave added sadly. He knew Jack wouldn't manage to say it back, but he knew he tried to. Jack spoke hesitantly, and his voice shook. "...I...I hope you can find peace with what you've done."

What's the softest way to say you took away my friend, my buddy?

What's the kindest way to say you took away my friend, my buddy?

What's the kindest way to say

the end?

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