sicky icky [not mine]

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Dave entered in his normal way, climbing through a window. Jack had offered him house keys before, but he refused. Jack hadn't shown up to Fazbenders, that God awful place, so he left to go find him. Dave checked downstairs. Nothing. He glanced at the Sex Couch™️. Still, the only clean thing in this house. He went upstairs, a twinge of worry going through him. Jack, Dave's Old Sport, was there, (fucking) knocked out. (he's asleep) Dave smiled, his normal tinge of evil in his smile missing. He flopped onto the bed and cuddled up next to Jack, nuzzling into his neck. (Hastag dabvesppryt)

~☆ time skip brought to you by Steven ☆~

Jack woke up.

"Shit..." Jack mumbled. He really didn't want to get up. But he really didn't want to get Dave sick. And it was too hot in the blankets. So, Jack slowly tried to get away from his vertically privileged twink of a wife /ref without waking him up.

And he failed.

"Sportsyy..." Dave mumbled, reaching into the now empty spot in front of him "Where ya going?.." "I'm sick..." Jack responded, looking for something. "If I wanna get sick from you, I will." Dave grinned, pulling Jack by his arm towards the bed. Jack sighed, knowing he can't change Dave's mind. So he let Dave be near him.

If you wanna know what they did next Dave confined Jack to being the little spoon as they talked about Vegas

And then they watched JSchlatt because he's Dave's favorite


written by a tumblr moot who FORCED me to post this, and a couple more. or else i'd be imprisoned. (sigh)       <--- her

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