"Oh really? I-I didn't know that." Like I expected he would tell me, his employee, a clerk who wears a badge that says manager.

"Every year after a busy Holiday, he goes to Hawaii. Is it urgent?" I want to shout 'Hell yeah. My life and future are in his hands. Everything will be lost if I don't see him soon.' I decide to go another way. It's Christmas Eve and I hate to get dragged out of here by security like that baby boss.

"Uh no. No, its not. Thank you." I force a smile that I can't hold long. "Uh, have a wonderful Christmas, Dae." I smile through my pain and turn to leave.

"Jungkook, what are you doing tomorrow? On Christmas day?" Dae says.

"I'm having Christmas dinner at a co-worker's home with her family." That starts to ease some of the pain I feel in my chest.

"Are you free during the day? If so, I want to invite you to spend part of the day with me helping others in need. There is nothing like the joy of helping others. And that is the spirit of Christmas." She is right. No possession or amount of wealth could make me feel as whole and complete as helping with another. My head lifts and liveliness rushes into me and spreads throughout me.

"Dae, I couldn't agree with you more. I'd very much like to help others in need." What will be will be with Taehyung. I will see him again.

"There's a family shelter that feeds the poor and homeless. They also give toys and clothing to the needy." I want to be a part of this. I want to be filled with the joy of this holiday.

"Where is it, Dae?"

She gives me the address and I'm shocked because it's right across from my apartment building.

"Dae, I live right across from this shelter, and I've been meaning to check out volunteering."

"That's fantastic, Jungkook. Dress comfortably and I will see you at 8:00 am. Thanks, Jungkook. You just wait until you see those little faces and grateful parents." I audibly sigh as does she.

I find a seat on the bus as I head home. I decide to call Lisa and thank her for all her hard work and talk about her hottie. Even though things didn't go well for me, I'm happy for her. This dude is Taehyung's best friend, so I believe he's a good guy. I reach into my pocket and realize I left my phone on my desk charging. Oh Fuck. It will just have to wait until the day after Christmas.

Taehyung's POV

As I prepare for my big day tomorrow, I can't stop thinking about Jungkook.

Why do I feel such a lack of confidence around him?

I've got to tell him how I feel, even if I lose a good employee. I've always put the store ahead of my dreams. I want a life... with him. Damn, that's an outrageous thing to say about someone I barely know. It's lunacy. But I do know him. We've talked and he was incredibly vulnerable. He's smart, funny, and hard working. He cares about our customers and this store. I hoot out a laugh. And he's clever. I'm certain that he set up that uh Mark guy around that terrible porn incident. I don't think he has a malicious bone in his body. He said that our customers deserve better, and I did too. Wow, I hope I'm good enough for him. I continue my laughing, thinking of his rants. He made Mr. Wu find him a job. If only I could have been an insect on the wall to hear that, I think, as tears roll down my cheeks.

There's a part of me that believes we are meant to be. I stop my preparations and reach for my phone. Why is this so hard? I said I'd wait until after Christmas, but the time is now. I just know it.

I'm sure he has plans for Christmas and is busy on Christmas Eve. I'll call him the day after the Christmas holiday and ask him out for dinner.

A voice in my head say shouts, bullshit. Do it now. If I can run the biggest most successful store in all of South Korea, I can do this.

Nothing in my life has scared me as much as missing my opportunity with Jungkook. No more being careful. I will know one way or the other. Now I believe he is my personal Christmas Miracle.

My fingers fumble as I punch in his numbers from my personal employee directory. My throat is as dry as sandpaper. With each ring my heart thumps. My call goes to his voice mail. Just hearing his sweet voice message brings a smile to my face.

"Hey uh, Jungkook, Uh, Tae here... uh Taehyung from work. You know the CEO." Oh fuck, I'm a mess. What the hell am I going to say? I hit delete and call back 12 times until I leave a decent message that doesn't sound like a nervous 12-year-old. Now I wait. Maybe I should leave another message. That voice in my head shouts 'Stop it.' And I do.

The thought of actually making the call brings me to a calm. Either I move forward with him, or I move on. No more being locked into an obsession for someone who may be out of reach. Or sadly, someone who doesn't want me.

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