{A Change Around~Ch 2}

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[Pov: Y/n]

After a eventful dinner with other leaders, all of us change into regular clothes and head to common room.

"I wish Shrio were here to tell us how to go on without him" Lance says.

"Allura, when we came here, you told us which one of us would fly each lion--" Hunk cuts off Pidge.

"Yeah! how did you do that? Can you do that now?"

"Sadly no. When you arrived at the castle, I immediately recognized the special qualities in each of you"

Ah I remember that moment...

The purple lion is elegant and needs a pilot who is creative and who can move with grace.

Y/n, you will pilot the purple lion.

Oh what good times we had when we first started out.

I sigh and focus back on the conversation.

"Keith, you piloted the black lion when you had to save Shrio, perhaps you're the one"

"Keith would be the worst leader of Voltron"

"Yeah, we all have our thing, Keith's the loner" "I'm the brain" Pidge points to herself then to Hunk "Hunk's the nice one"

"Allura's the decision maker, Coran's the wise old guy, Y/n's the pretty one and Lance is the goofball"

I get a little embarrassed when called the pretty one but I have no time for that as the team is now arguing about who's going to be the leader. Good thing that Coran butt's in.

"Hold your gazurgas everyone! It's not our decision to make, we must allow the lion to decide"

"Coran is right, we must all present ourselves to the black lion"

So we all head to the black lion's hanger.

"So who goes first?"

"Should we draw straws"

"Just let Allura go first" Allura nods and heads to the black lion.

After a while, everyone has gone except me and Keith.

"Y/n, why don't you go next"

I look at the others and speak.

"No, I refuse to be the pilot of the black lion"

They all look at me in surprise and Allura speaks up.

"But Y/n, the black and purple lions were made to be as if they were one, you'd have a better chance to connect with it"

I still refuse and Allura sighs before sending Keith in.

A while after Keith goes in, the black lion powers up, I sigh in relief.

Keith comes out of the lion and Allura, Pidge and Hunk congratulates him.

"No, I don't accept this" Keith says.

"You must, the black lion has chosen you"

"I'm not the leader Shrio thought I was okay!"

Lance walks up to Keith and places a hand on his shoulder "Keith, no one can replace Shrio. But the black lion wouldn't choose anybody it didn't feel was worthy to lead Voltron" "I respect it's choice and you should too"

Keith looks back at the lion before speaking.

"But who's going to fly the red lion?" he asks.

We all head back to the common room as Allura head to the hanger for the red lion. She comes back soon, not having any luck.

"We must find a new paladin......again"

We all sit down and Pidge starts talking.

"A new paladin? I mean where would we even start looking?"

"Well I vote for getting some alien diversity on the team, and I know some mermaid who'd be great for the job!"

"You just want to see them again"

"Yeah exactly"

Suddenly a screen pops up showing one of the leaders we had at the dinner.

Voltron, we need your help.

The Galrans have returned.

Once you left, we were defenseless.

My people are trying to hold out but the Galra are too powerful.

"Hold your ground and protect your people until we arrive, Voltron stands with you"

The screen disappears and we all head to our lion's hangers.

We launch out into space and head on our way to fight the Galra once again.

"All right guys, we're not about to let the Galra take back this planet, so follow me" Keith says.

"Where's Lance?"

"What?" I hear Keith sigh and call out to Lance "Lance where are you?"

"My lion's not responding to me" Lance says.

"Well figure it out and catch up with us as soon as you can"

As we make it closer to the planet a ship shows it self and a voice starts talking to us.

Attention paladins of Voltron.

This is Prince Lotor, son of Zarkon, emperor pro tem of the Galra Empire.

Surrender now or you will be destroyed.

"Shit! We've been set up" I say and the Galra fighters start attacking.

Me, Keith, Pidge and Hunk are able to fight some of the fighters off but there is still too many.

"We can't fight this guy alone" Keith calls out.

Suddenly the red lion shows up with Lance piloting it.

Keith then says we need to from Voltron but we're short a lion til Allura joins the fight with the blue lion.

We form Voltron and Lotor and his ship retreat. We all head back into the castle and go our own ways, and I head back to my room for a nap.








The next day rolls around and I'm just chilling when I hear Coran announce that the black lion is leaving the castle. I quickly put on my armour, knowing that me and the others are going to have to follow Keith.





End of Chapter 2

(839 words)

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