"Hyung?" He asked, oh how very strained yet full of life that one call sounded!

The man took off his mask- a large black one, and then those glasses. A gleam flickered in Matthew's uncertain eyes. They kept looking at one eye to the other of that man, burning, telling tales of fear, longing and love.

"Jiwoonie hyung .." Matthew stared at the distressed face of the love of his life. But unlike every time, he didn't jump in that chest. "Why are you here?" He rather asked, timidly. Jiwoong didn't stay as cautious though. He grabbed his guy by the arms, pulled him in the chest, held the back of his head to hold him as close to heart as possible.

"I sneaked out." He answered, his voice broken and shaky, "I missed you so so much, babe."

Matthew felt hot on his cheeks, damn, he failed holding back. The warmer breath from his mouth fell on Jiwoong's chest, as they hugged each other with everything. With every bit of longing they felt. And when Jiwoong let go, he cupped the other's face, wiped those tears and pressed a deep, breathy kiss on those lips.

Then hugged him again.

"I'm so sorry, sorry for everything. For me, for my stupid dream you have to suffer so much- I don't even deserve you! Yet, I'm here like a shameless person, I can't live without you, babe. I-"

Matthew let go of the hug and kissed his boyfriend shut. It took a second for the other to fathom, he responded to the kiss later. Taking in everything in one breath- the smell, taste and presence of his lover.

He pulled Matthew up by his thighs, who immediately spread his legs to clasp the elder's wiast from both sides. Jiwoong held his thighs for support and kept kissing him until he was let sit on the couch. They parted with an ocean of mixed emotions playing in their eyes. Matthew satred at his face, then moved a few strands of hair behind his ears, "Don't say sorry, love. I understand, trust me, I do." He kissed those lips again, "And it's not only me- I know you're going through so much more right now."

Well, Jiwoong couldn't deny, could he?

"The agency.. I don't know why they're doing this! I asked them so many times- they just- I had to sneak out of my house at this hour- or else, they weren't giving me any chance- a single chance to contact you!"

"This is so risky! You shouldn't have done it." Matthew said, "What if they find out? Won't you get into bigger trouble?"

Jiwoong let out a bitter chuckle, "I don't care. To me, meeting you is more important."

"Hyung, still... It's reckless." The younger said, "You should not be doing this... Look, I'm alright, hm? I can wait for you- for, for as long as you need-"

"Mm-hmm." Jiwoong held his lover's hands, tiny compared to his ones, "I don't care what the agency thinks, I'm not leaving you in the dark, leaving you alone. I'll do everything I can to meet you, to spend time with you. Cause you're my lifeline, okay? Even if I get kicked out, even if I lose my job, all my money, I just want to have you. Cause I love you more than anything in this whole world!"

Matthew felt like crying again, but unlike other times, he felt overwhelmed with happiness. What does it matter, really? If Jiwoong thinks of him that way, what was he worried about??"

"I love you too, hyung!" He hugged his man, "So much!"

Jiwoong held him close. He knew he had to leave before dawn breaks, to avoid public eyes, to avoid reporters or spies. Yet for the few hours they got, he knew neither of them would be able to sleep, cause they had a whole week long depravation to get rid of.


Gyuvin received Ricky's call around evening, after the latter had reached home. He had requested a face time and the younger accepted. Through the screen, he saw his boyfriend's extraordinarily beautiful face- ornamented with makeup by professionals who knew how to enhance the right features at right places. He looked even prettier that way.

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