12. 춤

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Zhang Hao thought the invitation to Hanbin's studio was an exclusive two people thing, but Hanbin arrived with two more guys in his car, one, kinda obvious. Seok Matthew. Two, an unknown, younger looking male. They were both seated on the back seat, leaving the passenger's seat for the older male. Once Hao got in, Hanbin introduced the stranger, "Hyung, this is Yujin, Jiwoong hyung's little brother."

Zhang Hao bowed politely, the nervous looking boy bowed back. "Hello, I'm Han Yujin."

"Zhang Hao." Hao shortly said, but his smile made up for the unsaid greeting.

"Yujinnie's interested in dance, so I asked him to come along." Matthew said, "You don't know, Hao hyung, he's a little fan of Hanbin hyung."

"Really?" Hao asked while smiling. Although the puppy like cute teenager looked shy and was kinda glaring at his brother's boyfriend. Matthew returned with smiles and Hanbin too, broke into a beautiful, dimpled smile.

"I mean... Who wouldn't be?" Hanbin tried flexing, only to earn multiple smacks from Zhang Hao. He started the car later. Hao noticed how he was dressed comfortably, yet with fashion. He never saw the younger dance before, and he had a feeling, Hanbin would turn out to be really good.

The car ride was fun. Hanbin gave them all a small briefing on how the competition would go. Rest of the talking was done by Matthew and Hao. It's a wonder how fast they bonded, maybe a reason was their mutual closeness to a certain person. And they were both quite positive minded guys. So instead of jealousy or misunderstandings, they grew closer and more fond of each other. Hao also liked how Matthew took care of his boyfriend's younger brother, often checking on him, or just holding his hand from time to time. Yujin probably was an introvert, cause he only shyly smiled from time to time.

Hao no longer hated the idea of spending the day with all of them, and not just with Hanbin alone.

In the studio, there were several young girls and boys, most of them already knew and admired Hanbin. Hao watched in awe how popular and liked the younger had been. He had heard from Matthew how cool Hanbin's dancing was, and he was yet to see that in person. Not long after, all the judges arrived and the competition began. It was a local competition, so there weren't many rules to abide by. Yet, Hanbin did so good. He began the show by showing off his skills, the incredible waacking dance battle with one of the judges. Hao was full on cheering when it happened cause Matthew did not exaggerate one bit. Hanbin was if not better, at least equally as talented as the judge who danced against him in a very fun way.

"Go Hanbin! Go Hanbin!" Was heard all around, as everyone cheered for the host. Zhang Hao was already attracted to Hanbin, but watching him dance intensified it. He couldn't take his eyes off that sexy man.

Even when Hanbin was done and was diligently calling the competitors one by one, narrating and adding comments here and there, hyping everyone up, Hao could only look at that man. At his brilliant smile, sociable personality and of course, that gorgeous face.

The competition came to an end. The judges went to discuss the results, so, Hanbin was left with the responsibility to make use of the time. He did it pretty well. First, he played random music and asked the contestants to perform freestyle dancing, which was really enjoyable to watch. Soon, he started calling random people, and it got more fun cause they all started dancing whatever. Hanbin danced to a few melodies as well. At one point, he asked Yujin to join. Although the young boy looked nervous and shy, when he started dancing, everyone had their eyes widened cause he was real a gem. He had only danced for a year, but he was already on the same level as some of the top tier contestants there. Everyone, along with Hanbin hyped him a lot.

After Yujin, Matthew was called too. Hao was once again surprised by how well the Canadian guy danced as well. He looked like a smiley, small, cute guy, but he had such cool moves! Everyone cheered once he was done.

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