A hug is all need...🤍✨

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Rohit have had the worst week of year and all he could do was remember about the happy times he had when the team and his family were together. He remembered how rits and anu would sit in a corner and laugh their hearts out whenever they were free,he remembered how rahuliya and harry used to have endless banters over nothing but everything, how jassi and miyan would dit together and strategize about the upcoming game how he and virat his vi his best friend used to have late night coffees on the terrace and share their hearts out and last but not the least how sammy used to take care of vami's every small thing and how vami used to listen to her sammy di and obey her without any craziness.

All Rohit could remember was how hard was last week for him first they lost the world cup and somewhere the hope that he and virat could ever be able to hold it together secondly how without any prior notice mumbai indians the team whom rohit gave so much efforts and hardwork and won 5 damn trophies removed him from captaincy and made hardik the captain. He had no problem with harry being the captain but what hurted him the most was that he was sacked like really sacked. He recollected how Vi became when he was going through a rough patch and in between all that he lost himself. He wanted to be with his friend now he wanted to tell him about his feelings he wanted to share it with him he wanted to cry on someone's shoulder who knew him more than he knew himself. He couldn't share it with ritsy otherwise she would take stress which he absolutely don't want. He wanted someone to understand from his point of view and who could be better than his best friend the person who had been with him for last decade and a half almost. He decided to visit virat and in no time he with sammy and ritsy were standing infront of virat's house.

He rang the doorbell and to their surprise it was virat only who opened the door. Seeing rohit at their house virat was not much surprised but seeing the expression on rohit's face which were really irrevelant he knew something was wrong with him and decided to talk it out later.

Virat's Pov :
I opened the door and saw the sharmas which was not very surprising to me as they are never invited being one family we csn easily go to others house even at really odd timing without any hesitation. Seeing sammy I was very happy because now I'll be able to get her undivided attention and to my luck vami is also sleeping rn. Seeing rits i could say something was wrong and when she signalled me to look towards ro I kind of knew he was disturbed from quite a few days and when I looked towards him I knew what the matter was.

I knew he was taking all the blames on himself and of not winning the world cup being so close to it I and ro knew how heart broken the whole team was. Being so close and not winning the world cup the whole team was blaming themselves blaming ourselves for not trying harder and regretting on the same thing as well. 
And talking about MI I was kind of disappointed by them on the way they sacked Rohit from captaincy like seriously the person who gave that team all his dedication and efforts according to me at least deserved something more and something better than this. I kind of know that all the things happened are taking toll on him now and he might be doubting his own strength his capability and his efforts. But only the team knew how much he worked how much he sacrificed, ge sacrificed his sweet sleep for this he was so much dedicated toward perfection and hell bent on bringing this world cup home anyhow that he used to practice all day long and sometimes at night also. I wanted him to take it all out and I knew that he was here for this only and now I feel blessed to have making someone believe me so much that they can rely on me when the feel low and having such a friend I feel is a blessing.
End of Pov.

Virat's chain of thought was broken by anushka's voice asking who was at the door that he's taking so long to recieve. Virat let Rohit and rits enter the home and took sammy in his arms to which she replied by simply covering her small arms around his neck and laying her head on his shoulder.

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