Chapter 23

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"The doppelganger is an exact double of a person. They're an extension of the person, but there's a difference. Here, read this," Luella said as she pushed the open book in front of Dennis and pointed to a paragraph. "I was never good at explaining things. I'd make a horrible teacher."

Dennis focused on the words.

"A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart," he read.

"I'll admit that even though that's the true definition of a doppelganger, little by little the meaning has turned toward a label for a person's twin or double. So, in a sense, you're her doppelganger and she's yours, but, in truth, you're not. Especially since you're both sharing the same soul. I've never heard of doppelgangers sharing the same soul," Luella said.

"If her soul is attached to me, what happens to her?" Tara asked timidly. She wanted to know, but was afraid of the answer.

"She'll be fine," Fiona piped in as she entered the little house. "She's fine and she'll be fine.

Not to worry."

Tara expelled the air she didn't know she was holding in and smiled.

"That's good news," she said.

"And you?" Fiona asked as she laid the back of her hand on Tara's cheek. "Are ya fine?"

Without thinking, Tara grabbed Fiona's hand and held it against her flesh for a brief moment before kissing it lightly and releasing it.

"I'm perfectly fine. Thank you," Tara replied.

Surprised by Tara's actions, Fiona smiled warmly and walked to the fireplace where an iron tea kettle filled with piping hot water hung near flames that danced excitedly.

"I keep a never-ending pot of soup simmering," Fiona informed the room. "I think I'd like a bowl and a cup of tea. Would anyone like to join me?"

Since it was quite some time since anyone had eaten, they all readily agreed. It soon became a joyous event. Each person was assigned a task, from getting more wood from the woodpile for the fireplace to stirring the soup heating on the pot belly stove to setting the table with some of the loveliest china Tara had ever seen. Smiles and laughter were abundant.

"Can I ask you something?" Tara's words were soft as she spooned a large chunk of carrot into her mouth, chewing quickly so that she could continue.

"What's that, love?" Fiona replied.

"Why was Lucy's soul sent to my body in the future? Can you tell me or is that against the rules?" she asked.

"Well," Fiona mused, "I don't rightly know if it is against the rules, but I seem to have been breaking rules much worse than this along the way, so I'm going to tell ya."

Pleased with the woman's response, Tara and the others perked up to listen.

"Well," Fiona began, "it started with that fool sister and her nonsense." Turning to Tara, she continued, "Lucy has a sister. Her name is Alana and she's nothing like either one of ya, my dear."

"I know. We've met," Tara replied.

"You have?" Dennis interjected.

"She's marrying Mark," Tara said flatly.

"What? She's from here?" Dennis roared.

"It's a long story that I'll be happy to tell you later, okay?" Tara looked at Fiona, "I'm sorry. Please continue."

"Well, the sisters were both me students, but Alana was jealous of Lucy. Lucy was a far better student. She was me star student in fact and a powerful witch. 'Tis a shame ya remember so little. All her memories are in her soul if ya could just unlock them."

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