Chapter 16

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The sun was persistent as it wove its brilliant golden rays through the thick netting formed by the treetops and warming the ground around Tara enough to ease the damp frigidity of the blanket of morning's dew. Joshua stood up and stretched the kinks out to his long legs and narrow waist torso while Tara admired him from beneath half-closed eyelids. Sensing her eyes on him, he looked at her and smiled.

"Good morning, sleepy head," he whispered in a sultry voice that had a seductive effect.

"How are you feeling today?"

He recalled how well this manner of speaking worked on her in the future when he was Dominic and was pleased it was still having the effect he wanted on her now.

She closed her eyes tightly while she struggled to control her fickle body. How did she feel today? She felt like jumping up, running into his arms and kissing him silly. That's how she felt today. Tara felt her face redden when she realized she hadn't guarded her thoughts.

Joshua moved toward her, stopping so close she could feel the heat of his breath on her flushed cheeks. His long, slender fingers gently brushed a lock of hair from her temple, and she shudder with delight. This was the first she felt the warmth of a man's loving touch in a long time. It felt wonderful. She hadn't realized how rigid her muscles were until they eased under his caress. A brief shadow was cast over her as the thought of Dominic passed through her mind, but within no time it disappeared, and she was once again focusing on enjoying the touch of the man who mistook her for his fiancé. The odd thing was that even though they were from different centuries and had never met, his touch felt very familiar.

After a light breakfast of cold stew from the night before, they cleaned up camp and he helped her onto her horse. She seemed ill at ease in her riding habit. Joshua chuckled at how quickly she'd become accustomed to the clothing of the twenty-first century. He was certain she preferred wearing the comfortable pair of jeans and bulky Irish wool sweater she favored when she'd entertained him as Dominic. He couldn't blame her. Women's clothing of the nineteenth century was incredibly cumbersome in comparison.

Tara sat tall and straight in her saddle. Her ease on the back of her mount clearly displayed her skilled horsemanship. Joshua took a moment to take in how robust she looked. He should have used the potion earlier. If he had, then perhaps they would have already crossed through the portal to Shadow Land and he'd be back in the arms of his lovely Luella. Although he found Lucy's beauty pleasing to look at his bond with Luella was solid. He could never forsake her for another woman.

She gave him no reason to think about such things.

Time wasn't measured the same in Shadow Land as it was in the human realm. One distinct difference was the aging process slowed considerably in Shadow Land. Luella was almost a century old and looked a mere quarter of that. Her thick, dark tresses flowed down her back, almost to her knees, and glistened with health and vitality. The rosiness in her porcelain cheeks completed her youthful doll-like appearance. Her touch had the power to drive him mad. No, there was no replacement for Luella. She was one of a kind and he was grateful she loved him.

He had to admit that it would be something to see his love's reaction when he returned with the young enchantress. Although he saw nothing to indicate her powers during their journey, he'd seen her in action once before during her brief captivity in Shadow Land and was sure she would create a formidable opponent for his own lovely and very sinister sorceress should they ever go head-to-head.

Joshua thought back at the time when he'd stood at the edge of the courtyard and witnessed the torment the crowd poured onto Lucy and how easily she thwarted it. They threw everything from energy balls to rocks at the fiery creature and all she did was raise her hand and spur them away. Her power certainly took Balthazar by surprise, which was why she managed to escape. It would be different now. Balthazar would be prepared for her. The fact that she suffered from amnesia was an unexpected boon. With the exception of her waning health, it was pleasingly easy to bring her on the journey. Her desire to enter Shadow Land on her own volition was a bonus he hadn't counted on. Whoever captured Dennis did him a huge favor in more ways than one.

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