Ban on Witchcraft?!?!?

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Alexandria's pov:

"Filthy human habit"?"  I thought as I walked back to my room, not noticing Deuce was following me or that I was being watched. I get back to my room fuming and without realizing it I break my mirror. 

The sound of glass breaking snaps me out of my fit of rage. I look at my mirror and that is when I notice Deuce followed me back to my room.  I turn around and look at him with tears in my eyes. "I never thought I would feel like an outcast here at Monster High. I mean last year, I had to hide part of me, and now I feel like I don't belong here. Deuce I shouldn't feel like this." 

I subconsciously play with my magic as Deuce walks towards me and says, "I know, Alex, I know. How about we watch a movie and we both relax. I can take my beanie off and let the snakes breathe and you can relax and just decompress. Okay?" I nod and he comes over and hugs me for a few minutes before pulling away to say, "You might want to spell the TV, so I don't turn it to stone." I laugh and nod.

I walk towards my dresser that has my TV on it mutter a protection spell on it and grab my remote. I walk back towards my bed sitting down as Deuce takes off his glasses and hands them to me. I take off his beanie once I have his glasses on.

"Is that better?" He nods and I can tell his snakes feel better too. I put on a movie and that's how we spend our night.

Draculaura's pov:

D: "Filthy human habit"? Oh, I'll show her a filthy human habit. Dirt and dust and ash and mud form an ugly hater's mug." Manipulating the hologram version of Toralei.

E: "Not too shabby." I look back and see Ellis.

D: "Oh! I was--" Getting up and making the spell disappear.

E: "It's OK. I get it. But I know something even better. Check it out. Bone and breath, hand in heel, make another one as real."

D: "What?"

E: "It's an automaton, just a dumb copy. They're hilarious, but no smarter than the mask it's made from. Watch." He yawns and scratches his armpit making the automaton do the same thing.

D: "That's--"

E: "Witchcraft. It's why I transferred here. Ever since I heard about you, I thought, maybe it'd be safe for someone like me."

D: "It was. But now--"

E: "Less so."

D: "It's so unfair. Monsters are always afraid of what they don't understand."

E: "They try to make you think it's you. "One day, you'll understand."

D: "Exactly. You should hear my father. "One day when you're older, you can do it your way." Well, I do understand. And I want more."

E: "Yeah. I want them to see what we see, that witchcraft can be beautiful."

D: "When I was younger, I used to go to the library. There was a dusty corner stacked with old forgotten books. And one day, I found this little spell book there. It just spoke to me. And I knew"

E: "That you could never tell anyone."

D: "Yes. I think you get it."

E: "I think I might."

D: 🎶I wish there was a spell I could use🎶

E: "For what?"

D: 🎶To make all of this pressure go poof🎶

E: "Exactly."

D: 🎶What they expect of me is not the plan I see

And that just makes it hard to make a move🎶

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