Founder's Dinner and Mr. Komos is Hyde Jr.?!

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Clawdeen's pov:

 I hear Bloodgood says, "Look at you. You are so handsome."

Shoot I forgot. "The Founders' Dinner. I totally forgot."

Draculaura says, "My dad's coming. Aren't you supposed to give a speech?"

I nod. "Yes, to honor my mother. Let's just get this done."

Komos' pov:

As I'm walking up to Bloodgood, I hear her say, "Madam, silver is your color. Drinks inside. Enjoy your evening. Any trace of the human?"

I shake my head. "No, not yet."

Bloodgood nods. "Hello, welcome back. So wonderful to see you again."

♪ ♪

Clawdeen's pov:

Draculaura says, "Now, what? Do we need to freak you out so you turn human?"

Frankie says, "Pretend I'm Deuce."

I'm shocked. "What? No, I think I've got this now."

[heartbeat pounding]

Frankie says, "It's like you have a superpower that makes you less powerful."

I nod. "Hopefully not for long."

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


It worked. "Holy headless horsewoman! It worked!"

Draculaura says, "It just needed a human hand."

I nod. "Hyde's secret half."

Frankie says, "Let's do this."

I ask, "What is this?"

Draculaura says, "It's just a tomb."

Frankie says, "An ogre's tomb, from the looks of it. Hey, it's Agmon the terrible."

I say, "No. No, no, Hyde's lab is here. It has to be. He locked that door to protect it. There's gotta be another door."

Frankie says, "Hey, look at this. Under the monocle, it's Hyde's code."

Draculaura says, "What does it say?"

Frankie says, "It says "push.""

I say, "It's a button!"

Frankie:" It's an eye."

C:"It's a button."

F:"It's an eye."

I say, "It's a button. Try it."

[eyeball squishes]

Frankie says, "It's an eye."


Draculaura says, "And a button."

I say, "We're both right."

Frankie says, "Great." While wiping their finger on their jacket.

I say, "We did it."

Frankie says, "There's a switch."

[electricity zapping]

[machinery whirring]

I am amazed. "Wow."

Draculaura says, "Hyde kept busy."

Frankie says, "Is that calcium chloride? Ammonium nitrate? Oh, is this plutonium? Oh, have I died again and gone to mad scientist monster heaven?"

Draculaura says, "Stay on mission, Frankie."

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