Chapter 6: talk behind her back

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(Sorry for not posting. Every time I write a chapter the drafts got deleted 😭)
B - Bose
M - Mika
Mi - Miles
R - Ray
S - Schwoz
CC* - clone chapa (with star means impersonating chapa)
SH - Shoutout (superhero mika)
BS - Brainstorm (superhero Bose)
V - Volt (superhero chapa)
A - AWOL (superhero miles)
CM - Captain man (superhero Ray)

(Bose PoV)

I walked into swag right on time at 2pm. I opened the doors too see an argument midway. The weird part of it all was that it wasn't Chapa doing the arguing. She was always the instigator of arguments. That wasn't even the strangest bit though. It was that Chapa was actually trying to calm everyone down. She wasn't even zapping them, shouting shut up. She was calmly controlling the argument.

M - well maybe we'd be better superheroes if we did things other than learning to lie all day!

CC* - ok Mika calm down. We
Understand that. We've been learning a lot of lying but can you see it from Ray's perspective. He just wants us too be safe by knowing how to keep our identity's safe.

R - YEAH! Wait why aren't you mad about only learning lying all day. You hate it.

CC* - I fancied a change of heart (in head) I am not acting like some psychopath whilst I'm impersonating this useless baboon. I am a respectable person not a wild animal.

Mi - okay then. The universe has provided Chapa a chance at sanity and non - violent thoughts, we should embrace this chance.

I stood by the door for the entire duration of this argument. They don't tend to notice me. But that's fine because everyone does it.

R - Bose why are you by the door
B - because I just got here. . .
R - just go sit down. You won't understand the class anyways.
B - ok. . .
R - anyways as I was saying. . .(lesson stuff)


M - alright I've called this dangerforce meeting to discuss tha-
B - wait where's Chapa? We can't have a dangerforce meeting without Chapa!
M - she's getting donuts, I made an excuse to make her leave so we can talk behind her back. Now I don't usually talk about people behind their backs but can we talk about how weird she's been recently.
S - I know right! I ran some tests whilst she wasn't watching but all of them gave me an erro-
B - are we sure we should be talking about her behind her back? Also I'm not sure testing on her without her knowing is illegal
R - since when have we cared about the law.
B - I mean we're superhero's so I would hope always
R - ah shut up and stop asking questions. Your the dumb one.
B - ok then. . .
S - anyways.  As I was saying. All of her tests came back with an error. That means either the DNA was faulty which I highly doubt. Or Chapa isn't a human. Which I also highly doubt.
R - alright schowz cut the smart talk that no one understands. (Throws remote at him)
S - aieeeeeeehhhh
CC* - (runs in) woah what is everyone doing in here. I thought you were all down in the school.
(Emergency alarm)

CC* - (in head) sh!t what do I do. I can't fight?! I'll just pretend to get lost or something. No that won't work! Just zap everything in your way. Yea. You've been practicing. You can do this.

(At the fight)

(No one PoV)

Shout-out had just sonic screamed away four robbers and brainstorm was lifting them in the air throwing them against the walls. AWOL was teleporting behind robbers and knocking them out. Volt meanwhile was trying her very best to zap the robbers but ended up running away from most.

Eventually volt seemed to be getting the hang of it but not before the fight was nearly over. She zapped a few robbers but it wasn't enough to knock them down just stun them. The other members of danger force had to help her.

After the fight was over Captain Man took all of dangerforce out for donuts. That is except Volt. Captain Man felt she was too lazy to try. Usually being the most powerful member of dangerforce she was Captain Man's favourite but today he treated her as if she was the team member no one wanted. So whilst everyone got free donuts for stopping the robbers. Volt had to walk home. She wasn't even allowed her gum to transform back. Captain Man wanted her to have to walk back in shame as a superhero who wasn't good enough.

(Clone Chapa)

Ray made me walk home in the freezing cold. It was also very dark and the streetlights weren't working. I got many strange looks and whispers. "What's Volt doing walking alone. Where's here gang of colourful wanna be supers" since I'd never been out of the man's nest more than three times I didn't know my way around. I retraced my steps towards the tube opening. I eventually found it under a car bonnet in a back alley. I was about to hop in when someone came up behind me and covered my mouth. I tried to kick them but no one ever taught me to fight so resistance was useless.

I fell unconscious soon after

Preview for next chapter

"The villains have infiltrated the man's nest!"

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