Chapter 5: somethings off about her

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M - mika
CC* - clone chapa (star means she's impersonating chapa)
CM - clone Mika
CB - clone Bose
CMi - clone Miles

(Mika pov)

I arrived at exactly 10:00am to school.  I wanted to arrive earlier but Ray said it made me look to nerdy and eager to learn so now I just come at the regular time. Everyone else is always late. Even Miles, he could just teleport here but no he has to follow where his path takes him which conveniently is anywhere other than school. Bose just tends to get lost on the way to school or gets the time mixed up. And chapa.  Yea she only shows up when she can be bothered. Usually an hour or so into the school day. She doesn't do mornings

So imagine my surprise when she comes in at 9:55am just before me. She's never early. She says only dumb nerds come in early- you know what I think I know where Rays getting all his insults from. Not only was she early but was also wearing my clothes. A hot pink cropped shirt and a light blue denim skirt. Chapa hates skirts as there not practical as well as not great attire for fighting and she hates anything cropped. Not to mention the colour pink is not something she gets along with. Whenever I wear pink she stays three feet away like it's some sort of infectious disease. I mean who does that?!

CC* - oh hey mika! How are you today?
M - okay something's definitely wrong. You feeling ok
CC* - yea I'm feeling great. What about you? Did you sleep well
M - okay stop it. What did I do to make you like this. Did I anger you. Why are you wearing my clothes
CC* - I'm perfectly fine Mika you haven't upset me. I'm super happy
M - yea but usually your definition of happy is "get out of my face before I zap you. Also love the shoes"
CC* - (I'm head) How the hell am I supposed to act like chapa if I know nothing about her personality.??? Y'know what im just gonna improv
CC* - quit insulting me before I zap you in the face
M - ah there's it is.  Good old chapa
CC* - yea yea. Good old me. (Sitting down at her desk) where is everyone?
M - we're early and everyone's always late. Wait why are you here early. You always say coming early is for nerds
CC* - well maybe I felt like being a nerd today.
M - okayyyuyy. Let's just sit down and wait for the others an- are you wearing my spare clothes from my locker?
CC* - Y'know what I'll be back in five. Byeee
M - wait where are you goi-
(Clone Chapa leaves)
M - there's something off about her

(With the clones)

CM - (laughing) how did you mess up so bad?
CB - yea, everyone knows chapa's the angry one
CC - alright one more dig at me and you getting electrocuted
(Everyone stiffened)
CC - alright here's the game plan. I'll gather intel for a few days like if anyone has a set routine and where everyone lives. Then we plan out when the best time is to capture each member of danger force. Bear in mind we need a few hours for the memory transfers and we can only do one at a time die o having one set of goggles. Then we need to get close to Ray and figure out how to get rid of his indestructiility. If he realises we're clones. He won't hesitate to shut us down ok. Am I clear
CMi - yes mam
CM - understood
CB - it will not happen again I can assure you
CC - well I don't feel assured
(Zaps them)
All except CC - (screaming) STOP STOP WE'RE SORRY
CC - fine. I need to go anyways. Ray needs us in the man's nest

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