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I'm at work doing my work. I work at a clothing store and I really like it, I like my colleges, I mean I still need to find a job who fits me perfectly. I'm talking with a college of mine and someone is walking in, I recognize the person and I scoop my way out. No way, I'm not going to talk to her. "What's the matter?" My college asks. "That's his sister, the guy I dated, that is his sister," I tell her snd she looks at me, "oh fucked up shit," she mutters. I nod and make my way out.

I see her walking around and buying some things. Laura is gonna fit some things and I walk through the whole store. "Noella?" I hear and I turn around. Oh my god, his mom is standing in front of me. "Hi," I smile fake and shake her hand. It's not that I don)t want toemeet her but her son lied to me, we haven't spoken since. It's been like four days. "How're you?" She asks kindly. She seems not to know about our fight. "I'm good," I say and smile. "When are you coming to our house and have dinner?" She asks me. "I don't know," I say honestly. "Mom," I hear Laura and Martin mom excuses herself and walks towards her daughter. I make my way out, I don't want to deal with this, maybe it is rude, but she will understand it later. If I ever came back.

After work I wave goodbye to my colleges and go back to my apartment, I open the door and throw off my shoes. I grab my headphones and put on good cry music. I still miss him, because I do really like him. He's the one who lied to me, I don't know if I should trust him now. I'm breathing deeply, like you do a little meditation session. I bite on my lip and I hear a little sound on my window. Is it these little kids fro mute neighborhood who likes to throw little stones at my window. Shut the fuck up. I look down and instead of seeing those kids. I see Martin. I don't know if I'm ready for conversation.

But you need too.

I shake my head and sit down again. Redo my meditation session. A bell ring interrupts my session, jeez, why? Why? I try to look from the window who's standing outside ringing that bell. I notice Menno, that friend of him standing there. A blond guy is next to him, I have no idea who it is. I open my window and I look down.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him and Martin looks up,. "Can we talk?! He asks me and I shrug my shoulders. I want to close the window and ignore him. But a part of me wants to talk and see his unique pair of eyes. "Okay," I say and close the window. I put on some shows and a jacket to come downstairs.

I open the door and Menno and this blond guy are standing here. "Louis, Noella," Menno only says. I walk past them and walk up straight to Martin. Somehow my heart skips a beat and he grabs a huge bouquet of flowers, with roses and indigo's. "This is for you," he says and I take them. I once told him indigo's are my favourite kind of flowers he reminded that. "Martin I don't"let me speak please?" He asks me while he actually interrupted me. But okay fine, go on I guess.

"First of all I want to say I'm sorry," he starts. "You say that a lot," I say. "Because I feel it a lot. You are right, shouldn't have started this as a lie and I won't justify anything I did. I just want to say that when we met in the plane, you keep the only girl that didn't freak out by seeing me, I actually really liked that. We started talking and it felt so fcking right. You asked me what my job was and out of stupidity I told you worked as light designer. Something I immediately regretted after saying it," he tells me.

"Was that everything you told me a lie?. I ask him. I need to know, I need to,

"No, no absolutely not, the only thing I lied about was my career. I was honest with you about my personal life and everything around it. I told people around me about you, not only Menno and Louis. My team knows about you, my parents, my sister, my friends. I want them to know that I found someone where I'm so desperately feel happy with. You have one crazy magic trick on day where I can't think of anyone else than you, I want to life with you Noella, life a good life with you. Have a cup coffee in the morning, dancing with other, love in the afternoon, kiss your face, hold your hand, love you so loudly, that everyone can see it and quiet again, just between us. Just a million feeling what also is just one feelings all at once. I want that," he says and I see tears in his eyes.

"Martin," I say.

"Noella, if I ever had to explain to you how much you mean to me, how much I missed you these last few days, I would never stop. I would never finish, because you're one that I can't stop talking about, I can't stop looking at, admiring your beauty every time I see you. Seriously, Noella, the closer you get to me, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you.. it makes me sick, I can't not breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss you should've never gave if you didn't want to turn it into a scar. You're tormenting my very soul. What can I do to make it up to you? Because I'm willing to do anything you ask for ," he says and he has tears in his eyes. He let one slip away.

Honestly, I'm stunned by his words, I have tears in my eyes and I don't know what to say. I just feel so shocked and amazed by everything. I need to moment to clear this out all in my head.

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