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It's a little week further and honestly, it's been hard. I haven't send one single text to the Martin dude because I'm too afraid, why don't ask me? I don't know why I am so afraid.
But today I'm gonna text him. I get my phone, I'm sitting here in my living room and I bite on my lips. I'm so nervous for no reason. I type in a text and later delete it. It's not good enough.

you hi Martin. It's me the plane girl. I was thinking about maybe working out together. I got your number from your friend Menno I saw at the gym. You know just a friends. Well I talk to you soon

i bite on my lip and I put away my phone. I don't know how to respond on this. I hate it, I hate myself, why am I so insecure about everything? I bite on my lip and decide to get my breakfast ready. I put some music on and dance. It's what we keep me away from feeling so many things. Lately the last few days I felt very lonely, I haven't come out my house for two days and I feel so lonely.

I gotta say, that my best friend forget about me. Literally. I bite on my lip and start crying so much. She lives her life and she parties so much. She doesn't text me anymore and she has a lot of new girls around her. And so many guys she surround herself with and hook up with.

Now suddenly I see the text from Martin back. I feel so emotional right now. I'm too afraid to open it.

Martin oh hi, sorry I respond so late. I'm quite thrilled that you suddenly have my number from my friend. But I do think it's nice if you join us. So you join us and maybe we get to know each other better?

I smile softly and bite on my lip. He wants to get to know me better. You know what, I just text back.

You let's do it

Martin tonight?

I'm completely shocked. I'm looking at my phone. Tonight. Oh Noella, you need to clean yourself the fuck up.

You alright, here my address
*inserts adress*

Martin alright, cool. See you tonight, I'll bring pizza

I put my phone away and do my happy little dance. For the first time since I'm here I actually have a friend. I smile softly and I get up, I better fix myself, get a shower, clean up myself and clean up my house as well. I don't want him to think I'm so messy as hell and kinda feel depressed this past week.


I fall down 9n the couch and catch my breathe. I cleaned the whole house so it looked tidy up, instead of so ugly messy. I cleaned up myself and I have my hair into a towel. I have a mask on so my skin is soft again. I did everything in less than 4 hours, honestly I wouldn't know how. It just happened to go like that. But now I'm extremely tired and can fall asleep any moment.

The bell rings and I wake up, so I actually fell asleep as well. As this day couldn't get any worse. I shake my head and look outside who's standing in front of the front door. It"d indeed him. Fuck, I have a bathrobe on, my hair in a towel and a mask on my face. I take off the mask as quickly as I can and I put my hair in a ponytail. I move to my bedroom and put some random comfortable clothes on. I put some random shows on and walk downstairs.

I open the door and Martin turns around. "Hi," he smiles softly. "Him" I greet and let him walk in. "No shoes," I say and he chuckles. He puts them off and we both walk upstairs to my actually front door. I open it and Martin nods. "Cozy and nice," he compliments me. I shrug my shoulders and I fall down on the couch. He puts a bag on the coffee table. "I brought two pizza's with me. I don't know what you liked so I bought salami for you," he says and I nod. "It's fine," I say and thank him for it. "You want to drink something?" I ask him. "Uhm just water is fine," he smiles and I nod. Water, okay.

I come back with water and a tea. "Thanks," he says and we both sit down on the couch, causally eating our pizza's totally in silence. In the beginning I thought it was so akward but that slowly fades away.

"So you got my number through Menno?" He asks and I feel my cheeks becoming red without realizing. "I-i just thought it would be nice to hang out and working out together," I say causally. It feels so strange what am I doing. I don't know so embarrassing for some reason. "I came him across in supermarket," I say and he nods. "What a coincidence," he chuckles. "Definitely," I agree and we eat in silence further.

"But, actually where are you from?" He asks and I look up. "Why, I sat next to you in the plane from Canada," I say sarcastic. "I know but which city. I had over lay in Toronto," he tells me. "I actually live in Toronto, a neighborhood outside of the city," I tell him. "More," he says and is drinking while look into interested in me. His eyes follow his hands and they reconnect with mine. "With a mom and a dad," I say and he frowns for a second. "What?" I laugh. "No siblings at all?" He asks and I bite on my lip.

I always assumed myself as a only child but in reality I had a big brother once. He was 4 years older than me but he sadly passed away when I was just 8 years old. Since then it's been the three of us. My mom never moved on from his sudden death. So did not my dad either, he become more bitter than he actually was. I bite o n,y lip not try to cry in front of him, I mean it's something that had left me quite a big effect on me, not only me but my whole family. The relationship between my grandparents from my mom side is estranged and we don't talk to them anymore. Which makes me very sad, it's been over 15 years I have seen them. I feel the tears in my eyes. "Sorry," I hear him saying.

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