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It's quitte unique experience I am about encounter. i have my luggage all packed and I'm actually ready to go tomorrow. Hop on the plane and start my new adventure in the Netherlands. I'm very excited and very nervous about the whole moving process.  I know it's gonna be reality of the dream of mine.

The  last day I actually spend here in Toronto,. I change myself into more reasonable clothes for this day to enjoy my last day over here. I'm going to visit my best friend and have a dinner with my parents. "Let's go," I say to myself and get downstairs to get my bag and say hi to my mom. My dad is already working but he will be home earlier than usual.

"Hey I'm in downtown Toronto mom, see you around 4," I say and she waves at me before I head out of door. I get in my car and drive the 10 minutes alone before picking up my best friend at her house. I see her standing in front of her and she smile at me. Charlotte has been my best friend since kindergarten and our relationship never ended. It only changed in the good ways and on positive points. She walks around the car and gets in. "Heyyy," she greets and pulls me immediately into a hug. "Hey, ready for the lunch," I say and she chuckles. "Yes I am, hoping for some good looking guys," she giggles. She is the one of us who always flirts, who is always in a relationship and always comes up the next day with the craziest one night stands stories with random dudes she hooked up with.

I'm more the realistic, calm and precious friend. She's definitely the crazy one but sometimes you need the crazy one. Anyway, I never had a kiss before, never even held romantically hands with a guy. There's literally nothing I have done with a guy.

"Oh wait, Noella," Charlotte says and I look at her confused. What's going on that mind of hers? "What if you meet a really handsome but overall hot Dutch guy," she says and calls in her hands. "I don't think so," I whisper and she doesn't hear me. "Oh my god, did you know Dutch guy have really huge dicks," she giggles. "I didn't need to know that,," I say and she giggles. "Oh definitely you're gonna go crazy over there. I just feel it," she says and I chuckle but shake my head. There's no way I go crazy and end up with someone in my bed like Charlotte does. Mentally I can't do that. I have to get to know the person before anything romantically can happen. You call me boring, I call it self protection.

after a little 15 minutes drive we arrive at the parking garage and I park my car. I get out of the car and Charlotte just dind't get up. "Come on," I say and she sighs. "Wait a second. I have to redo my eyeliner," she says and I roll with my eyes. She's a make-up girl and I'm totally not. I wear slightly a bit of make-up but not as much as Charlotte has or like any other girl.

She finally done and we walk to our fav lunch spot to get lunch and afterwards we're going to the cinema's and spot our favourite actor on screen, who's so handsome, I do have huge crushes on actors and singers. I mean the younger version of Leonardo DiCaprio is so handsome. But also actors like James Franco, or Andrew Garfield. I think my celebrity crushes also do describe my type of dude I like. But honestly I don't know if that's true.

At the Avocado cafe we sit down and we are greeted by a server. "Hello, how can I help you today?" She asks and smiles so friendly. "Well I would like a advocacy toast and green tea please," Charlotte says and put the menu back in his order on the table. "And you. By the way you look absolutely amazing, I love your outfit," she compliments me. "Oh thank you," I say and I feel my cheeks becoming red. It's so cute, that's why I love Canada that much. "Well I would like the Green Salad with Union sauce and a cappuccino," I tell her and she writes it down. "Perfect. The drinks will be there in a few minutes," she says and walks away. Charlotte rolls with her eyes and chuckles slightly in herself. I'm confused on why she's doing that. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "What?" She asks as nothing is wrong. But clearly there's something wrong. "What's the matter?" I ask her again and she shrugs her shoulders. "What is it?" I ask for the last time. This personality she has sometimes can be very difficult to deal with, Sometimes there's something wrong and I notice that, but she doesn't want to say anything or explain her feelings towards me while I'm her best friend and I could help her in however it is possible for me.

"She's ugly," she mutters and I look back at the server who picked up our order. She's absolutely beautiful, she has a stunning face, brown black hair which is formed into a ponytail. Slightly bit of make-up on. "I don't think so," I say and Charlotte nods. "Sure, you don't see it," she mutters. I though this was supposed to be fun and nice to hang around her? Why all of this sudden anger and rudeness?

A voice in my head says different things. She has been like this for quite a while now and it's showing that you guys don't belong anymore as best friends. Sometimes people change and you have to let them go.

I shake my head slightly. I don't want to let her go, she's my best friend. She didn't change, maybe slightly because I'm leaving and she is staying here. Maybe because she wanted to come along? All these question pop up in my head and start revolving in my head. The server comes back and brings out our drink. "Green tea and a cappuccino," she says and put them on our table. "Thank so much," Charlotte says it with the most fakest smile I have ever witnessed in my life. She leaves and Charlotte rolls with her eyes. "I just don't like her, her attitude annoys me," she mutters and looks out of the window for guys to spot for. I bite o n my lip and take a sip of my cappuccino. It's really good..

why Charlotte? Why being so rude and arrogant towards someone who never had done anything to you? What did change you so much?

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