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A loud sigh traveled through my ear as I scrolled through social media, searching for some post about job hirings. College doesn't really look or sound appealing to me ― I have a different dream, ― so I'm looking forward to work, for me and Jayro.

Another heavy sigh floated through the air.

I know social media doesn't really help a hundred percent, but it helps nonetheless. I was thinking of working in a bakery or restaurant as a part-timer as I study my chosen vocational course for two years. While Jayro studies at his dream university taking up education.

He wanted to be a teacher. And I am very proud of him.

Another absentminded loud sigh.

Deciding that I had enough internet surfing, I turned my phone off and put it on the empty space beside me on the couch me and Jayro currently sitting on. Feeling that my baby who's constantly sighing needs my full undivided attention.

Another troubled sigh escapes his sweet little mouth.

With a heavy sigh on my own, I took my baby's attention by putting my hand on his messy hair ruffling it more messily. He's been stressed these few weeks over college. And I was there whenever he felt the world was against him.

We already made our plans together. Jayro will be going to the nearest college here in our city that he really liked since highschool.

I already told my dad that we were moving out and in search of an apartment, and luckily we found one. My dad helped us and gave me enough money even though I repeatedly declined it. Cass, Jay's cousin, offered assistance and our friends also did. Hopefully, I can find work there and start my own business someday.

"Baby, don't worry. I know you'll get accepted."

He released a deep sigh, leaning his head on my shoulder with closed eyes. "I don't know, I can't help feeling restless." He said while burrowing himself deeper into my side. I stare at the laptop on the top of the coffee table, the source of my baby's distress.

I shook my head left to right with a small smile, Jayro really needs to work on his self confidence. I know he'd get into his dream college and he needs to believe that.

"It's okay to feel like that, but baby I want you to believe in yourself, I need you to believe in yourself. You're more than capable of anything, you'll get through this and you deserve everything, and college is one of those."

I reassure him and bring him impossibly closer to me, kissing his temple lovingly. "And besides, you're smart as fuck so who's in their right state mind to waste an asset like you?"

He laughs at that, mumbling a 'you're crazy' directed at me.

My baby practically glued himself to me and I chuckled at his cuteness. His arms around my waist and mine around his shoulder, I snug deeper into the couch for more comfort bringing Jay with me laying him on top of me.

"You really know how to make me feel better, babe." He said as he gazed down on me. My hands found themselves slowly inching closer to Jay's bum.

"Always." He said with a smile and I did the same with a mischievous smirk on my own.

"Yeah, I always make you feel better and this..." I trail off as I push my hand lower until it reaches his ass, I give it a hard squeeze which he moans in response.

"Is one of so many ways I can make you feel better." I slur, sending a wink on his way. And of course, the little innocent lamb that he is, blushes a hundred shades of red.

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