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I stood in my place awestruck, fresh air pass through me with a hint of warm on it, kissing my slightly cold face. My mouth were a bit parted as I stare at the scenery in front of me. My nose itches from the scent and humidity, and I almost sneezed.

Beautiful white dandelions all around the field enveloping the whole place. They sway with the winds blow that some seeds flew up and let the wind take them to the place where they belong.

Dandelions are daring, the thought flash on my mind. Letting the uncertainty bring them to an unknown place is somehow marvelous. An ugly side of me started to compared myself to them, thinking that unlike me, who's afraid to let the destiny take me and dictate my life. Those flowers are much more braver than myself. Taking the risk and live.

The place looks so beautiful, nothing compared to everything I have seen.

A rustling of grass not so far from me traveled to my ears and I instinctly look at that direction. I looked at the person who's responsible of the noise.

A picturesque scenery then meet my eyes.

His crunched down posture while plucking a stem of the dandelion, seems really scenic that I held my breath. His serene face whilst meticulously observing the flower, brought peace to my mind and all thoughts ceased. He twirls it around slowly, carefully as he can with a graceful motion. Drawing my eyes to his face and to his curve eyelashes, they're shining with the sun's golden light. My heart unexpectedly skipped a beat.

He closed his eyes.

Puckers his natural pink lips and slowly blow the dandelions puff away from it's stem. As the little seedlings flew away taking their flight, they became a background of him. Creating a bewitching scene right before my eyes, my eyes can't look away from the person.

He looked content and lovely.

I feel my face heating up and I forcefully made myself look at the other direction. Scoffing to myself, can't believe what I just think. These days, I feel like I'm being swept up in the moments and in my emotions.

Confounding, I thought.

I mustered myself to glance at him once again, I immediately felt flustered but it quickly goes away when I saw that he's already looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

And he's beaconing for me, calling me with a flick of his hand.

He want me to get close to him?

"Please give me the camera, Wayne." That awakened me from my unlooked-for daydreaming about us being close to each other, face to face.

Shit, that was crazy!

"Oh!..yes, here." I stroll to his direction, afraid of crushing this tiny dandelions if I walk to hastily. I handed him the camera when I was a meter away from him. I watch him avidly and wondering what his doing as he fumbles on it.

"We'll take a picture of a dandelion and write something about them. What made them interesting to us and how it somehow relates our life." He explained while his eyes down, searching for some beautiful and eye catching dandelion he wanted.

He hums after seeing that caught his eyes. "And we're going to put it on a PowerPoint." He added, sauntering away from me and sat down.

I promptly felt cold.

My hand itches to reach him and put him here beside me. That confused me immensely. I fought the urge to do that knowing it would be awkward and out off place. But I really wanna do it though.

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