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My heart pumping blood times two per second, the blood rush through my bloodstream sounds loud in my own ear.

The open field is packed with students, families, and relatives. The sun above shining just enough for not to feel the heat of June weather. Cool air blew, swishing my hair, momentarily zoning out from listening to the speaker.

I glance ahead, past from the made up stage and towards the building behind.

Riverway, is the school where I used to be lonely, miserable and happy.

So many things happened during my six year stay in this school. I got to meet new people and some of them became important to me. This school is where everything started, where I met Wayne.

Because of this school I became independent, strong, and brave to meet new people and honed me with a skill for my future.

Shifting my weight on my foot right to left. I wait with anticipation coursing on my veins, this is the last, I thought.

The last time I'll be here in this school.


My name rang loudly on the speaker and my body jolted in excitement and nervousness, but nevertheless, I moved and walked to the stage. My cap and graduation gown being blown by the slight wind, giving me a fresh and exhilarating feeling.

With shaky hands, I receive my general diploma and shake hands with the principal and teachers. They shoot me proud smiles that I wonder if I ever was a good student to them. I can't stop the smile on my face as I face the front and see students clapping.

I am happy that we are finally getting out of this school and embark on new journeys.

I scanned the crowd hoping to find my friends and boyfriend, he already climbed the stage earlier and I have never been proud. My eyes land on every friend that I saw and they smile at me, I smile at them also.

My eyes finally settle to those bright green eyes that I know all too well. Those orbs seem to glow more brightly under the sun and with happiness as he looks at me with adoration swirling on his emeralds.

Gosh, he's really handsome.

I took a bow after Wayne nodded at me, hearing the cheers and happy claps of the students. I descended the stage and took my assigned seat.

I look at the paper on my hand, my name is written in bold dark ink and I feel proud of myself.

I just wish they were here to see me and send me off to college though, they are what's missing in this touching moment.

Mom, dad....I miss both of you. I hope you're seeing me right now.

I prayed, looking at the blue horizon with watery eyes. I so badly want to hug them, show them my certificate and boast that I got rewarded with a high honor.

The wind felt somewhat warm with coolness when it blew on my face, caressing my cheeks with their invisible hands and almost knocking my cap off my head.

It's as if they had heard me.

After the ceremony, we were allowed to meet with our friends and family. Loneliness creeps unceremoniously onto me, remembering that my parents weren't here and my adopted parents would rather go to hell, than to congratulate me.

I'd rather them not show their faces here, it'll only add to this loneliness I feel.

"Baby," I smiled when I hear his voice going near me.

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