Spanish fighting a way to HQ

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Agent Blue wakes up to the sound of silence. Staying with agents Aquamarine, Black and Violet, it's rare that one gets a moment of quiet.

Getting up and stretching, he sees the pink sky above him steadily brightening. Yawning, he walks a small distance away from where the Color agents had been camping.

He often wonders what it would be like if he were normal. Instead of a forest, maybe he would wake up in a comfy bed in a room decorated to his liking.

He would be waiting for weekends and working his ass off when he didn't have them to make a living. What would he be if he wasn't an agent?

What would he do, how would he live, if he fell into the category of people the world considered normal?

"Morning," A familiar voice says drowsily and Blue turns to see Black rubbing her eyes and coming closer to him.

"Morning," He greets back, abandoning his earlier trail of thought.

"Why are you–" She yawns, "Why are you awake so early?"

"Don't know." He shrugs.

Black nods, resting her head on his shoulder. He wraps his hand around her, pulling her close.

They drink in each other's presence, neither wanting to say something and ruin the calm atmosphere.

"Really, I wake up to see this?" Violet questions, trying and failing to hide her smile.

"Oh, hey Viol–" Black tries to acknowledge her.

Violet holds up a hand to stop her mid-speech. "It's fine. I'll go start packing up and leave you two to kiss in peace."

She turns around and walks back to her tent.

Later in the morning, everyone had freshened up the best they could in the woods and had completed loading everything back to their jeep.

"Tents?" Violet asks, holding her phone in front of her.

"Packed," Black replies.


"Stashed," Aquamarine replies, glancing at it.


"Taken care of." Blue admires a pair of nun-chucks in his hand.

"And I put in the medical supplies," Violet switches her phone off and does a double take on Blue. "Those are my nun-chucks."

"And?" He replies coolly.

"Do you want to find out?" Violet questions, narrowing her eyes.

"She is about to ruin our future, Blue." Black eyes Violet's slowly rising knee.

Blue's eyes widen and he drops the nun-chucks into her hands, putting his own hands up in surrender and giving a goofy grin, "Easy, easy! I was only messing with you."

"So was I."

She gets in the backseat while Blue laughs, taking the driver's seat. Black takes shotgun and Aquamarine joins Violet.

A long journey later, the agents finally enter San Marco's seashore, a place in Venice. They get down their jeep.

"I have to leave my baby here?" Aquamarine asks, running his hand across the car's bonnet.

"It won't fit in a jetski. You can leave it here and hope nobody steals it." Violet shrugs.

"A million other CHAOS agents will come here too. There are zero chances that the jeep won't get stolen," Black reasons.

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