« Both of you are hardworking students, there's no reason it should go badly. Same thing for you, girls » I assured.

« Are you gonna be okay, presenting with Descamps? » Simone inquired.

« As long as he remembers his part and doesn't act like a douchebag in front of everyone, we should be good. I never thought I would say this, but Descamps really did his best working on it. The issues arose today» I explained.

« By the way, where is he ? » Simone asked, looking around.

I looked towards his usual spot, only to find Dupin making his flan wiggle, with a disgusted face.

I shrugged my shoulders.

« No idea. Not my problem. » I simply said.

The next day, I couldn't hide my nervousness getting to class.

« Everyone can sit down with their partner. It will be easier that way » the teacher announced as we got inside.

I was on edge. It was not the first time I would talk in front of my classmates, but a presentation was different. So many things could go wrong. I was revising my notes when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Descamps sat next to me.

« We're not dying, Verssel. Don't sweat it » he assured.

« I know, I'm just nervous. I can't help but think I'm gonna mess up »

« We're going to be fine, Nora. I promise »

There was something trustworthy about his words.

So I trusted him.

The first few groups started going up. They all did a good job, except one where it was clear only one of them did the work.

« The next team is Miss Verssel and Descamps. Let's see what you prepared for us » he announced with a smile.

Descamps and I got up, our notes in hand. Once we got to the front, I quickly wrote the name and the important dates on the board.

Claude Monet : 1840 - 1926

And so it began.

The presentation went really well, from beginning to end.

« To conclude our presentation, we would like to point out that even though the shadows of cataracts veiled his eyes, » started Descamps.

« Monet continued to paint with inner radiance of his soul, transforming darkness into luminous palette of the canvas of his tireless imagination » I finished.

Everybody started clapping for us. We turned to the teacher.

« Very well done, indeed. I'm impressed » the teacher stated. « I must say I am surprised your duo worked out so well » he admitted.

I was about to answer when Descamps beat me to it.

« Working with Miss Verssel was a pleasure, sir » he assured, a boyish smile on his face.

The teacher laughed.

« Don't push it too far, Descamps. You can go sit down »

I couldn't help but smile as we strutted to our seats.

« See, I told you it would go well. You feeling better now ? »

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