Of Mice and Heelers

Comenzar desde el principio

Bluey: Can Bingo and Muffin help me, Sonic? I feel like the more help I have from my fellow dogs, I can help Jerry out like Spike or Hector.

Sonic: Of course you can! The more the merrier, Bluey! You can include them in your plan, but Keep Jerry Safe.

Bluey: I won't let you down, Sonic! You have my word as a Blue Heeler!

Sonic: Thanks, Bluey. I knew I could rely on you!

Bluey: Anytime; Sonic! *Jerry Hops into Bluey's Paw* I'll take good care of you, Jerry. And so will my Sister Bingo and My Cousin Muffin!

Jerry tilts his head in confusion. He had never met Bingo nor Muffin, nor had seen them since the "School's Out" Debacle.

Bluey: Oh I see. I'll have you meet them! How'd you like that?

Jerry nods excitedly.

Bluey: Oh you do?! Great! You'll love them both! Trust me!

Bluey takes him to Meet Bingo and Muffin who are in the Cafeteria

Bluey: Hi Bingo! Hi Muffin!

Bingo: Hi Bluey! Who's that Mouse in your Paw?

Bluey: Do you Remember Jerry from the School's Out event?

Bingo: A little. It's been nearly a year since that whole thing when Lila and I graduated Kindy together.

Bluey: Muffin, do you remember Jerry?

Muffin: Kinda. Sonic showed me Jerry last semester, but I haven't had time to be around him much.

Bluey: Well, This is a chance for you two to reintroduce yourselves to Jerry Mouse. Sonic asked me to take care of him and protect him today. (She sets him on the Table so Bingo and Muffin can see and Reach him)

Bingo: Oh wow. Hi Jerry. I'm Bingo. I'm the youngest in my Family.

Muffin: I'm not sure if you remember me Jerry, but I'm Muffin. Bluey and Bingo are my Cousins!

Jerry shook one finger of each of their paws.

Bingo: I think you're cute, Jerry. I like you because you're an inspiration to all of us. The smallest of kids can have the biggest adventures, you know.

Jerry blushed.

Bluey: Heh. I think he likes you too, Bingo. He likes me because I understand him even though he's written to be a Mute Character only making some sounds and laughs.

Bingo: I see. So you came to see us with him?

Bluey: Yes. I came because I need your help protecting him from the Three Cats: Tom, Sylvester, and Butch.

Bingo: Of course, we can help you, Bluey! Dogs can be a mouse's best friend. And look what I brought!

Muffin: Huh?

Bluey: EEE! Is that?!

Bingo: Yes. The Magic Asparagus. I brought it in my Lunchbox so you can use it to have some fun with those bad cats.

Bluey: Ooh, I know what you're thinking Bingo!

Muffin: Ya! This is gonna be SOOO MUCH FUN!


*Bluey escorts Jerry with Bingo and Muffin*

Bingo: Cat Spotted...

Jerry: *screams but a GAH-HOOGA sound replaces it*

Bingo: It's Tom and Sylvester!

Sylvester: After them! Only if we work together can we catch that mouse, Tom!

Muffin: Let's lead them to Bluey, Jerry!

Jerry nods and all start running through the halls

(Insert Chase Music Here)

Cue "Scooby-Doo" Doors Chase

(They go through 6 different doors in different orders for a while)

Bingo: Bluey! Here we come!

Bluey: Okay! Make sure I Hit Tom and Sylvester with the Asparagus Magic! Okay, Bluey... You can do this.

*Jerry passes by first*

Bingo: Steady on, Bluey! They're right behind us!

Muffin: Here they Come!

Bluey: Okay... Think of a harmless Animal... Ah-ha! *points asparagus at Tom* Rabbit! *Tom takes the posture and hops like a rabbit*

Sylvester: Suffernin' Succotash! A M-m-m-magic asparagus!

Bluey: Got that right, you bad old "putty tat"! *points asparagus* Parrot!

Sylvester: Squawk! Polly wants a cracker! Polly wants a cracker!

*Bluey giggles as Jerry Jumps into her Free paw and hugs her*

Bluey: Heeheehee! I know! That's very silly! I'm glad I can help you out, Jerry.

Bingo: Me too.

Muffin: Me three.

*Jerry Hugged the Heelers*

Bluey: I know. Thanks Jerry.

Bingo: You can play with us again anytime you'd like!

Muffin: Yeah!

After the School Day, Bluey Handed Jerry back to Sonic

Bugs: (Narration) And so it was that Jerry once again returned to the Pocket of Sonic the Hedgehog, and The Heelers never forgot about the little mouse. Bluey told us that Her Maternal Aunt Brandy was expecting her third cousin!

(Continued) I was happy when she told me this news, and was happy when we met again many years after we left School, when she told me she was having a baby of her own, but that's a story... for a future day!

(Continued) But this wouldn't be the Last interaction between Sonic Or Bingo Either, as the Red Heeler had a relationship to the Blue Blur just like her big sister. But that's a story... for another day!

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