Of Mice and Heelers

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SonicJohnz924 Studios Presents

A SonicJohnz924/Cartoon Playhouse Original Series

(Distant Bells, Music)

🎵Come along, It's time for Class, Hear the bells... another C.E. Day, Hooray! For the Students of... 🎵


Bugs and Students: (singing)🎵 So Count to Three! (One, Two Three!) And clap your hands (Clap your hands) Learn something new (Something new) Join our Schoolkids Band today! 🎵

Sonic: Right this way!

Bugs and Students: (singing) 🎵It's another C.E. Day! It's another C.E. Day!

Bugs: Bugs Bunny!

Daffy: Daffy!

Sonic: Sonic!

Amy: Amy!

Bluey: Bluey!

Bingo: Bingo!

Tails: Tails!

Yakko: Yakko!

Wakko: Wakko!

Elinor: Elinor!

Dot: And Dot!

Bugs and Students: (singing)🎵 It's another C.E. Day! For us students of Cartoon Elementary!🎵


Bluey: Hey Guys! Guess what! My new Episode "The Sign" Is coming in less than 3 Days!

Bugs: Very Impressive, Bluey. We will all look forward to it.

(Song ends)

Episode 84

"Of Mice and Heelers"

Bugs: (Narration) If you've watched The Cartoon "Tom & Jerry" before, you'd know that Tom would always chase Jerry, and often never succeed. And, if you watched My Cartoon Series of Looney Tunes slash Merrie Melodies, Sylvester would attempt to Catch Tweety or an Unnamed Mouse character, often leading to his silly Failures of his own.

(Continued) Some of the Failures are Courtesy of the "Dog against cat for the benefit Little Guy" trope. This would normally be Spike the Dog helping protect Jerry from Tom, or Hector Protecting Tweety from Sylvester. Both are Strong Bulldog Characters.

(Continued) But this story isn't about the two Bulldogs, no, this story is about the One time that Bluey and Bingo, together with their Cousin Muffin, paired up to protect Jerry Mouse from A team-up of Tom Cat and Sylvester, and Tom's Frenemy Butch.

(Continued) It just so happened that Spike and Hector had to travel with us 5th Graders to the Animal Rescue Center on a Field trip. But Bluey's Storytelling once again came through for me, which is why I'm able to tell you this story today.

(Continued) It all began On That Field Trip Friday while we were out when Sonic Himself tasked Bluey to look after Jerry.

The Hallways.

Bluey: Hi Sonic! Hi Jerry! Good morning to you both and a Happy Friday!

Sonic: Happy Friday to you as well, Bluey! (Jerry waves) And Jerry says hello too. Now, Listen up. I wanted you to meet me here for a reason because I have an important job for you.

Bluey: Which is?

Sonic: Let me put it this way. Tails and I are on playground duty this Afternoon with the Kindergartners. I need you to take care Of Jerry for me. Keep him away from Tom, Sylvester, and Butch.

Cartoon Elementary S5: The Second SpringNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ