Imagina Shorts #155

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Imagina Shorts #155

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Jake threw a raft into the sea.

Jake: Hoo-Haa!
Pinky: Oink! *jumps to the raft*
Jake: *jumps to the raft next*

Jake was getting showered by flaming arrows. Yikes.

And yes. The pig now is named "Pinky". What a color-y name.

But there is an arrow approaching the raft!

Jake: *hits an arrow with the flame sword* Hoo?

Jake hit back the bullet back to the shooter.

Jake: Hoo-Haa! *paddles away with the flame sword*

The Pyro-archers are unable to follow Jake anymore. They are now just trying to shoot Jake from the distant, drifting away on the sea. Jake still manages to hit some ignited arrow and bounce it back.

Too far, the shoot-and-kill had ended.

Pyro-spy: ... *looks behind* ...

Behind the army is their village still burning down.

Pyro-spy: Ofouvt... Ofouvt! Ofouvt! OFOUVT!!! JUX FOF ZUA HAZT NEPEHI VU MIV VJIN ITDEQI!!?

Back to the burning camp; most of the Pyro-villagers are scooping water from the sea and throwing it to their home. What a tragic event!

Viper: Oh my God don't ever play with fire again. -_-

Viper whispered to the glimmering furball in the sea.

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