Imagina Shorts #102

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Imagina Shorts #102

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It's early sunrise. The window curtains are swaying gracefully just like the flowers outside. It is medium windy, no surprise Fury is still deep asleep. Well, at least to rest plenty of energy for this day.

You know that lazy sleeping will be always ruined by-

Beep-beep-beep-beep! Beep-beep-beep-beep!

I knew it!

Fury: *yawns* Ah...
Luna: *sat above Fury* Good morning, mister!
Fury: W-What are you doing! *tries to reach the alarm clock* (I can't reach it -.-) *points the alarm clock* Press that!
Luna: No.
Fury: ... What?
Luna: No.
Fury: Then get out of me!

Fury tries to move, but he's already locked between Luna's thighs.

Luna: No.
Fury: What do you want?
Luna: No.
Fury: ...?
Luna: I-I mean I uh I'm thinking about punishing you today because we're not been doing picnic recently.
Fury: Well, I'm thinking about having picnic today as in today like if you're not in my way, it's going to be a happy picnic morning! (Sarcastically -u-)
Luna: -.-
Fury: Get out.
Luna: No.
Fury: Then what's up?
Luna: I hope you're informed that I'm feeling bored recently because we never had going out for a while in this world like let us have a little adventure, mister. Because of that... *lifts a cardboard shield from behind* -we're going to play! *threw the shield at Fury*

The cardboard shield is so weak, but somehow looks good because it has a drawing of a butterfly in front of it.

Fury: Ow!
Luna: Let's go!

Luna left the bedroom alone for Fury.

Fury: A game?

Outside is Luna and Sola warming up for a little-but-didn't-know-it's-gonna-be-a-long-long adventure. And yep. Sola is holding a wooden sword, which is badly shaped, but still good looking on how bad it is. Luna's weapon is a picnic basket. Ah, yes. The one who's planning all of this is also the one who's too afraid to take the lead. I-I mean a useful back-up healer, she is.

Fury came down from the tree house with a cardboard shield, and a shoe box as a helmet, and also with their ride-able backpack.

Luna: Pffft-! Bahahahaha!
Sola: *giggles*
Fury: What's wrong?
Luna: It's- *giggles* It's- *giggles* It's- *giggles*
Fury: Sure. Keep laughing. I'll wait.
Sola: There's a stack of bread at Luna's basket if you're feeling hungry.
Fury: Oh. Nice!

Fury put Luna's basket at the ground, then opened it.

Fury: Uhhh...

The basket is really full of bread. Fury just realized the cover isn't touching the basket's lid after all because of those loafy bread. A waste of inventory, but hey! At least there is a huge jar of chocolate jam on it.

Fury ate 2 loafy bread to fuel up his hungry furnace.

Fury: So, where excactly are we going?
Luna: Everywhere!
Fury: -.- Don't tell me you're not ki-
Luna: I'm not kidding, Fury!
Fury: Oh my god... Please don't abuse my lifting back.
Luna: Nah! Me and Sola's gonna walk.
Fury: That's still heavy because you two are ANNOYING for me.
Luna: I'm not annoying! Hmph!
Sola: Am... Am I annoying?
Fury: Yes! Look at my neck so red because you're nibbling it every night.
Sola: I'm sorry! I can't help it! >~<
Fury: *sigh* Whatever. At least we got a good team! An offence card, a defence card, and a useless kid who has nothing to do but to carry useless stuffs that has nothing to do at adventuring.
Luna: Hey! And you're just a human shield!
Fury: L + ratio + useless + small + fat + crybaby + get real + *so on...*
Luna: ;~;
Sola: Tsk-tsk-tsk...

Let's just crop out that part.

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