*・゜゚・*:.。.:* Prologue *:.。.:*・゜゚・*

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Click. Sato Himari closed her neatly organized pastel yellow suitcase. She stared at the cover of her luggage. Stickers of sunflowers, wholesome phrases, and clouds littered the cover. She took a deep breath. "I'm about to go to a school and live there for a year without seeing my parents," she said to herself. "Feels like heaven."

"Onii-san! It's 7:01!" her younger brother Rai yelled from downstairs. (Onii-san means older sister.) Himari quickly grabbed a white hoodie from her closet and ran down with her luggage. Rai was waiting for her there, his messy black hair combed for once. "You said you'd be done by 7," he said. There was a disappointed look on his face and you apologized.

"Sorry, Rai-chan! I just finished packing..."

He nodded. "Oka-san is still sleeping." (Oka-san means mother.)


Himari put on her yellow sneakers and slipped on her hoodie over her shirt. "Let's go, shall we?" she said. Rai opened the door and walked outside, dragging his black suitcase with him. He was younger than Himari by a few months, but he was already 9 inches taller than her, making him 6 feet and 1 inch. She followed him out. "The smell of spring is so refreshing," she said.

It took about 15 minutes for the Sato siblings to walk to the airport since they lived relatively close to it. After an hour of waiting for their flight, they finally got on the plane.

"I can't really believe it," Rai said.

"For real! We're going to Kyoto, the most beautiful city in Japan," Himari replied.

"Not just that..." He paused. "We're finally out of that cursed house." He smiled at his older sister with a hint of sadness or relief or something in between. "And finally free from our psychopath of a mother."

She sighed. "Yeah... It's amazing how I'm still alive."

Rai punched her lightly on the arm. "Don't joke like that."

"It's my trauma, I can talk about it all I want."

Together, the two close siblings walked over the bridge to the airplane taking them to Kyoto. It was a beautiful city, like Himari had said, but they wouldn't have time to go sightseeing. Their new school was in Kyoto. They had been invited and were given scholarships for their first year of high school at Kyoto Prefectural High School. Yes, the school they will be attending is in the province, away from the loud city.

Himari felt the spring wind blow through her long, wavy black hair. I feel like this is going to be a fresh start, she thought. 

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