Chapter 13 Aurora

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My eyes shot open, and Marcel’s room was completely dark. Except for the light of the alarm clock on the bedside table. It read 2:30am in the morning. I had been asleep for that long already? Marcel was wrapped around me like a glove. His body making a cocoon of warmth around me. I had fallen asleep after the altercation with my mother. My body and mind are exhausted from the events of the last 24 hours. But now, my bladder was telling me it was time to go to the loo. I slowly detangled myself from Marcel, not wishing to wake him up. He too needed rest. We all needed to get our rest for what was about to come. I quietly made my way to the loo and shut the door. Turning on the light and doing my business quickly. It was cold in Marcel's flat, and his bed was so warm. While I was washing my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking at the mark on my neck. My mind replaying the altercation with my mother over and over again. She called me a slut, she thought I had slept with Marcel. She turned me into a criminal in her mind. Angry tears formed in my eyes. I fell back against the wall and slid down. Tears fell down my cheeks, my mum was willing to kill her own daughter to prove a point. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in them and began to sob. I let out all my emotions, my anger, my grief. My head shot up when I heard a knock at the door. Oh shit, I had woken up Marcel. Something I didn't want to do.

“Roe, baby. Please let me in, little one,” Marcel’s voice carried through the door. Slowly getting up I unlocked the door. Marcel opened the door and met my gaze. His eyes softened and he pulled me into his arms. He led us back to the bed and sat down. Pulling me into his lap. I buried my face into his chest. I knew that all the other Cailleachs would be glad to see the reformation of the treaty. That wolves and witches would be stronger by uniting together. Combating the vampyre threat together. But my mother’s hatred prevented this reformation. She would see both Antony and I dead all because we were mated to wolves. Wolves that could protect us and our children. Both Marcel and Antony's mate Valeria were in danger all because of my mother's hatred for the wolves, and hatred for Marcel.

“Hush baby, hush it is ok,” Marcel whispered. He was gently rubbing my back. I pulled away to stare up at my mate. His eyes staring into mine. Marcel had never given up on me. He always stood by my side and fought for me. Even when I had run away and hid from him. When I begged him to reject me over and over again. He never once wavered, so certain about our bond. The love we shared with one another. I now understood just how much I could love someone, I loved Marcel with my entire being. And that scared the hell out of me.

“My mother hates me, Marcel. She called me a slut. Called my brother a disgrace a disappointment to her. She attempted to take your life right in front of me,” I sobbed. Marcel held me a little bit tighter. His hands came up to cup my face gently. Caressing my cheeks gently, and wiping all the tears that still conitnued to fall. He had no idea how afraid I truly was early. I knew that I had ripped open my stitches, but a part of me didn't care. Mum had hurt both Marcel and Antony. The two most important men in my life. I couldn't let it slide, even when I was absolutely terrified of the look in my mother's eyes.

“She didn’t kill me though. She won’t kill me, little one. I am ok Roe, I am right here, and I am not going anywhere,” Marcel replied. I knew that wolves were much stronger, and much faster then witches were. They used these assets in the fight against the vampyre. But wolves weren’t invincible. They can be hurt, they can be killed. My mother has proven that point, she hurt Marcel, she killed Valeria’s brother. She could very well kill Marcel. 

“You don’t know that Marcel. I am afraid, so afraid,” I whispered. Marcel continued to wipe away my tears. His golden eyes staring back into mine with such intensity, I began to squirm in his arms. He shifted me so I straddled his lap. My hands came to wrap around his neck. I could feel his heart beating in  his chest. His body so warm and so inviting.

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