Chapter 1 Aurora

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London England
Present Day

“Roe, are you absolutely sure about walking home alone? Can’t I convince you to come sleep over my house. You can borrow something to wear for tomorrow when you go to class and can go home after class,” Marina asked. We were in the women’s locker room at our local gym. It was owned by another witch in the coven. We often would hold training sessions in that gym after it had closed for the night. Marina and I had just finished doing another round of training that had kicked our asses. I was hot and sweaty, and all I wanted was a hot shower and to crawl into my own bed. I had a 9:00am philosophy class, and I didn’t want to be late for that. I wrapped my favorite black cardigan over the sports bra I was wearing and grabbed my backpack. Marina Livingston was my best friend, and had been since we were eight years old. We became best friends when her father was welcomed into our coven. We lived only a few minutes from each other, but I knew my mum wouldn’t allow me to sleep over. Even if we went to the same university, it would still be a hard no. Her pouty purple eyes met mine. Both her and I were descended from the original 13 Druidsrblessed by the great goddess Morrigana. Our eyes were what set us apart from other witches and humans that lived in London. I gave her my best smirk. 

“You know me Marina, I can handle myself in a fight. I am one of the best fighters in the whole coven. And my house is only a 20 minute walk from here,” I replied. Marina just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at me. Like she usually did when I made comments like that. I had been coming to this gym since I was ten. It was usually around ten or 11 was when a witch or warlock would begin to really harness their powers and train in combat. So my mum brought me here to train and be able to control my magic. I was trained in everything from guns, to knife play, and how to use the elements around me. Though I preferred to use a gun over my magic. Much to my mother’s disappointment. I would only use my magic as a last resort. Unlike my older sister, who always used her magic. I sighed thinking about my older sister. But Marina’s huff snapped me out of it. 

“Oh I know you can handle yourself Roe. You have knocked me on my ass more than once when we have sparred on the mats. But you know that there is no amount of fighting or bullets that can save you from being drained by a vampyre. And vampyre attacks have become more common, it is like they are targeting witches,” she said. 

“I know, I have read the reports too,” I replied. Thinking about the stacks of reports that my mum had on her desk at home. The ones detailing witches being found drained of all their blood. Their limbs being ripped from their bodies. I had nightmares from those reports. Thinking about those who had lost their lives all because the vampyre wanted our blood.

“And with tensions continuing to grow between our coven and the Briton pack and their alpha Marcellus Godwinson. The wolves may not be on patrol tonight,” Marina added. I rolled my eyes slamming my locker shut. My mum had been stirring up trouble between us and the Briton pack for the last two years. We had been at peace before that, but now my mum would go looking for an excuse to attack the Briton pack and their alpha. Which only distracted us from our real goal, from our duty. Which was to protect ourselves and the humans from the vampyres. We were supposed to work alongside the wolves, not attack them and make both of us weak in the process. I just pulled the gun out of the side pocket of my backpack, unloading the clip. I showed Marina the clip of wooden bullets. We had been using wooden bullets since before I was born. One of these in the heart of a vampyre would render it ash. I put the clip back in and clicked the safety off. Putting it in the pocket of my leggings. My cardigan hides the gun well. 

“Please don’t worry about me Marina. Besides, you know I couldn’t sleep over even if I wanted to. You know how crazy my mother has gotten, she expects me home tonight. You have seen just how protective she has become over me, how paranoid she is about everything and everyone around us. She has gotten so much worse since Octavia’s disappearance,” I replied. Marina just nodded and pulled me in for a hug. She knew I was right, and that nothing would change my mind about walking home. 

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