Chapter 5 Aurora

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Marcellus just stood there, towering in the doorway. His golden eyes were like two golden orbs in the darkness that surrounded us. The only light was coming from the single bulb over his head. I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Why in the hell did he follow me out here? This wasn't a good idea, for us to be out here alone together.

“You shouldn’t have followed me out of here Mr. Godwinson,” I whispered. Marcellus walked toward like a predator with its prey cornered. He gave a frown at me calling him Mr. Godwinson. I felt my mouth go dry. He was so handsome in his costume. I wandered what he looked liked without his costume on, what he would look like naked.

“Why do you keep running away from me, little one? This is the second time you have run from me. And don't call me Mr. Godwinson, that was my father. Call me Marcellus, we are mates after all,” he replied gruffly. Marcellus wasn’t happy with me at all. The first time I ran, I knocked his ass out. The memory of him flying through the air made me laugh. Breaking the tense moment. Marcellus gave me a raised eyebrow. I soon regained my composure. 

“I ran away from you because this can’t happen, We can’t happen, We cannot allow ourselves to give into this bond,” I said. We both felt the pull of the mate bond. It was strong, like the current of a river. Pulling us both into danger. In this dark alley, all I wanted to do was pull him into my arms and kiss him. To feel his hands on my body and let him have his way with me. But I couldn’t, I had to remain the sane one. Because he clearly wasn't sane at all. 

“You don’t think I already know that Aurora? In fact I know this better than anyone. I know the laws that govern us. I know them better than you do, darling,” Marcellus replied smugly. The urge of kissing him quickly shifted to wanting to punch him square in that perfect nose of his. I reached up to smack him and he caught my wrist. Bringing my wrist to his mouth, he planted a kiss on my pulse. His eyes never left mine as he did this. His touch sent a shiver down my spine. Why would he do that? What game was he playing at? I pulled my wrist from his grasp. Trying to regain some control over my emotions. Though it was a challenge for sure. And one I was losing.

“Then Marcellus, you of all people know the danger we are in because of this bond. You are the alpha of the largest wolf pack in England. The alpha of the pack my mother hates with a passion. I am her daughter, I stand to inherit her title when she dies. No matter what I want, we cannot give into this bond,” I hissed. I searched for some kind of sign that Marcellus understood what I was saying. We were skirting around very dangerous territory. One wrong turn, one mistake. We would have war between his pack and my coven. Was that what he wanted? 

“Yes Aurora Bennett. I am an alpha, I have been an alpha for a very long time. It isn’t just me I am thinking about. I also am concerned about my pack, and its welfare. I need a luna by my side, my pack needs a luna. The goddess saw fit to grant me you as that luna,” Marcellus replied. I couldn’t move from my spot against the brick. Did Marcellus not hear a word I said? I couldn’t be his luna. It was impossible, insane even. A witch as a Luna? No one in our world had heard of such a thing.

“I can’t be your Luna, Marcellus, I can’t be your mate. No matter how I feel about you. If we give into this bond, we will end up dead. Is that what you want, Marcellus? To be killed and leave your pack defenseless and at the mercy of other alphas,” I demanded. I was trying to get him to see that the desire to complete the bond between us would get us both killed in the end. He took a tentative step closer, his hand tracing up my chest to gently wrap around my neck. Forcing my head up to his. His eyes were blazing with anger and lust still. Wolves didn’t like being challenged, and I was challenging Marcellus. I was trembling under his touch, the feeling of his rough hands against my skin. We stared at one another in silence. Sexual tension hangs thick in the air around us. His face moved closer to mine. I could feel his breath against my skin. I could smell the cologne he was wearing, his raw scent. It was intoxicating, deliciously intoxicating.

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