Chapter 10 Aurora

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I slowly began waking up from the darkness that had trapped me for what felt like an eternity. Opening my eyes, I looked around the dimly lit room. I was in some kind of bedroom. In a very comfy bed, with soft blankets pulled up over my body. I looked down at my body, I was in silk pjs. Not the clothing I thought I was in. I heard a soft beeping noise next to me. I looked up and saw a heart monitor and an IV next to the bed. My whole torso felt like a thousand horses had trampled me. Where was I? What had happened? How long had I been unconscious for? Where was Marcellus? I turned my head and got my answer, Marcellus was in a chair next to the bed. The dim light coming from the lamp above him. He was asleep, and he looked rather uncomfortable on that small chair. He didn’t really look different from the last time I saw him. He still had a shadow of a beard on his face, and he still looked as handsome as ever. I slowly began to remember what had happened, Marina’s execution. Antony driving, taking us to Marcellus’ packhouse. The car accident and the bradacha, Marcellus saving our lives. In turn I healed him. Antony… Where was Antony? Was he ok? 

“Antony… Where is Antony,” I whispered hoarsely. Startling Marcellus awake. I tried to sit up and pull the IV out of my arm. I needed to go find my brother. But as I sat up, pain shot through my body, making me whimper. Marcellus met my panicked gaze. He immediately sat up and pressed some kind of button that was beside the bed. 

“Aurora, thank the goddess. You are awake, you had me worried little one,” he said. He reached over and took my hand that was trying to rip IV out of my arm. Stopping me from ripping out the IV, and the other wires that were no doubt attached to the heart moniter. You could hear my heart rate on the moniter spiking. He gently pushed me back down onto the bed, pulling the blankets back over me. He sat back down in the chair beside me. 

“Stop moving, you are going to rip out your stitches. You had a serious cut on your stomach Aurora,” Marcellus said sternly. I shook my head, fighting against his hand, but he was much stronger then I was. He wouldn't let go of my hand. He just stared at me with both relief and concern in the same expression. I needed to go find my brother. I needed to make sure that he was alive. 

“Where is Antony? I need to find my brother,” I rasped. My throat feeling like it was on fire. Marcellus pulled away and poured something into a cup. He handed it to me to drink. I looked down and saw that it was water. I instantly drank it, feeling the liquid quench the fire inside my throat. But Marcellus hasn't answered my question. Just then the door opened and a man walked in. He had a doctor’s coat on. An IPAD in his hand. 

“Ah, the patient is finally awake,” the man said. He came over and checked both my IV and the heart monitor, which was still going crazy at the moment. He typed something in the IPAD. I felt like I was going to scream. Where was Antony! I didn't care about myself, all I cared about was finding my brother and hugging the crap out of him.

“Would someone please tell me if my brother is alive or dead, please,” I cried out. Both Marcellus and the man looked at one another. The man cleared his throat and gave me a small smile. He set the IPAD down on the bedside table. He fixed his lab coat and glasses. I could tell by the way he was standing that he was part of Marcellus' pack. He was eying Marcellus with reverence and respect.

“Your twin brother is alive and well, Miss Bennett. He did have a few injuries but they are healing nicely now. You are at the Briton packhouse in Alpha Godwinson’s apartment. He wouldn’t allow me to keep you in the office any longer than you had to be. You received a nasty laceration on your right side. We managed to stop the bleeding and stitch you up. That was two days ago,” the doctor said. I felt relief flood through my body. Antony was ok. We somehow made it to the packhouse. Marcellus gave the doctor a tight nod as he pulled the blankets away and lifted my cotton shirt to look at the stitches. I didn’t want to look down, I hated blood and any kind doctor’s office. I had always been like that. And to know that I almost bled out scared me.

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