the beginning

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"I'll give you the flags..."

-still chishiyas pov-
"I'll give you the flags, just let me go"

I say, looking up at the man.
He finally takes his dirty foot of my chest, and let's me get up. I reach a hand out so he can help me up, and without hesitation he dose. I tumble as soon as I stand, and use the man for support to hold myself up... how humiliating. I think to myself as a quickly take my stun gun out of my pocket and taze the bitch. He immediately grabs his side where I tazed him and falls to the ground groaning in pain.

"AHHHGH-!... hmm!-... y-you! You bit-!!"

How humiliating for him he fell for the oldest trick in the book, that is. The 'pretend your weak, then hit them with all you got last minute' trick is actually pretty useful when going against people bigger and stronger than you. To bad he wasn't stronger than that taze.
I look down at him, as he lays on the ground drooling in pain, like some rabid animal. His eyes no longer gentle, only rage behind them... no more look of pity from him. Just how I like it.

"You really aren't that bright, are ya"

I say grinning at him, but he only groans and whines in response. I was starting to get annoyed by these sounds. So i walk away. That was such an unesasary hassle, did he really think I was going to just simply give him my flags... my and niragis flags... I forgot about him for a minute there, oh well. I'll go find him now I geuss. I don't have anything better to do after all.
-Niragis pov-

I walk around, and speak of the little shit- right there walking up to me as if he didn't literally disappear on me... not that I care or anything.

"Chishiya!! Where the fuck were you, you-"

He cuts me off like the bitch he is.

"I had somthing I needed to take care of~"

He said in a hushed, sarcastic tone as he smirks at me. Then starts walking away as if nothing happened... this bitch! What was somthing he needed to take care of? I'm nosy!!

"And what exactly is this 'somthing' blondie? Don't keep secrets from me now"

"Don't even worry about it"

....WHAT!? how could he say that!? Was he really not going to give me anything to work with!? Not on my watch.
I quickly grab chishiya by the arm and swing him around to face me, before pushing him into a wall harshly, causing him to let out a small groan. I bring my arm up and hold him by the sholders tightly, bringing my face close to be more intimidating. Our noses were touching at this point. I tower over him, as he was atleast half a head shorter than me. Then I speak up in a low tone.

"Tell me, or I'll have to force it out of ya"

The blond smirks.

"What are you gonna do? Kiss it out of me?"

He says, before pushing me off of him and walking away... thank God he walked away. I feel my face heat up, and I could tell I was blushing hard, how embarrassing...
why would he say that!? I would never... I totally wouldn't! I hate this blond bitch!... nobody would even think about kissing him... so why am I thinking about it now? He was obviously joking... but...
I'm to pent up for this shit, that's all... I just need a night with a hot girl to calm myself down... damn, how pent up am I that im blushed at the thought of kissing chishiya!?
I sigh, and slap myself quickly before catching up to the blond. I was just going to ignore what he said, yeah! It was just a joke... I shouldn't take it- or my thoughts seriously. As the timer runs out, I hear the sound of the oh so fimilure lazers... then the screen shows the surviving teams. As there were only 7 teams, and the last 3 teams would di- I mean, game over... that means only 4 teams survived...
(go with it I messed up the first explanation)
Team 1:  shoyo, a 24 year old male with black hair and glasses. And his partner. Kiato, a 21 year old male with a somwhat grown bond buzcut.
Team 2: obviously us, me and the blond, chishiya.
Team 3: yukata, a.. pretty girl with sholder length blond hair and dark brown eyes, 21 years old... she was around my age. A year older, but hell- I'm into that... how perfect~
And some ugly guy named tori, 23 years old or whatever.
And last place, Team 4: two girls, not the most attractive but decent. Both had long dark hair, but the girl named Sakura had blue streaks in her hair, age 18. And the other girl pink streaks, age 19. Chishiyas age... what? This has nothing to do with him! Anyway, these two girls, they must be sisters or somthing. That guy Shimuzu, if he didn't bleed out from what I did to him, he must've died from the lazers, as that fucking loser JUST missed the wining place and was left in the last place loosing teams! As for his partner, who knows, I haven't seen him around. And I geuss I never will, as he's dead now somewhere also.
The doors finally open, letting us leave, a bucket displayed for us to put the flags in, there not needed anymore.

I hold a hand out to chishiya expecting the flags, and he placed all the flags in the box completely ignoring me... oh.
I awkwardly pretend I was just wiping my hand on my side, sweaty? Who cares...

"Chishiya, you know. We don't make a terrible team"

I say as I join his side. He kinda just looks at me for a second, but not in a mean glaring way... hm.
We walk out of the grey room, into the lobby, and finally down the hall to our room. I won't admit this outloud, but that game exhausted me... I couldn't wait to crash into bed and go to sleep!

Roar, chapter is done!
I literally have no idea where this story is going! I write what I think and we just go with it, ok? Lmaooo
Next chapter will probably be mostly a room episode, as I've kinda been just focusing on the game, let's focus a bit on niragis and chishiyas building relationship~ ;)
Next chapter: chishiya is chishiya, and niragi is niragi aka a horny bastard.

(Words 1116)

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