poor bastard

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(I had to go back and edit all the chapters because the pictures disappeared 💀💔
But anyways)

We both pushed the buttons and the screen lit up.

-congratulations, game cleared-

Me and chishiya both let out a sigh, we could finally go back to our room..

-still niragis pov-

After the game ended, the screen instructed us to go to elevator two, the one I took to get here. It would take all surviving players back...
In the elevator, i keep taking glances at chishiya. I wasn't an observant person, but I saw other players with cuts and bruises, and managed to put together that this is what the ai thing ment about 'inconveniences other players may cause'.... people got injured because the grass walls couldn't contain whatever the fuck the game would use to kill the losing players!
And chishiya was one of the people that got caught up in that..

"Chishiya..? What happened? Like- how did you get so injured?.."

I asked, I tried to sound confident like normally... but it came out all awkward. I already knew what happened.. but I wanted to hear him say it himself, Just to make sure..

"The player in the room over from me got a question wrong, she got bombed and I got bombed with her... I got fucking bombed because some idiot got a question wrong"

He said the last part quietly, but harshly. Normally I would say something back like 'not everyone is a smart-freak like you, blondie' but I choose life.. and clearly everyone in this elevator dose too, because they keep there mouths shut. Chishiya was a raging time bomb... mabey I shouldn't say bomb just yet- but he looked like he was going to snap and just kill everyone at any minute!

During the very slow elevator ride back to the main lobby. I felt like I was starting to understand more about chishiya, it seemed he genuinely didn't understand people. He didn't understand why or how people weren't on the same level as him. Chishiya knows he's smart but I don't think he understand exactly how smart he is.. he believes he's only a couple steps ahead of everyone.. wich is why he thinks we're all just stupid.
But in reality we're the average ones and hes on another planet!

-chishiyas pov-

Finally the elevator stopped and the door slowly opened revealing the main lobby again.
For some reason nobody left the elevator.. they were all kinda awkwardly looking around at eachother

When I realized nobody was going to get out, I sighed. "Fuck this"
I said outloud leaving the elevator first.
Niragi quickly followed behind me, and I eventually heard the others getting out as well.

I'm going straight to my room and getting a shower, then I wanna figure out how much I'm injured. Blood was still dripping down my face, so I assumed I would probably have to stitch myself up. Wich sound much bigger of a deal than it is.

I arrived outside room number 5 and quickly made my way inside without even bothering to close the door behind myself, and I immediately went to the bathroom.
I felt so gross and sticky and dry- I wanted a shower.

I got undressed and took a long shower, maby an hour just in the water itself.
Then I got out and checked my wounds.. they were terrible but I should only need stitching on my heads wound.
I grabbed the first aid kid from under the sink and went to work.
Good thing the wound wasn't that big, it was only about 2 inches. Although the wound was deep.. I don't think this will scar. I think to myself wrapping a thin white sheet of bandage around my head.


...The wound was above my left eyebrow near my hairline... I could've lost my eye if it hit lower.

I got lost in my thoughts for who knows how long, but I finally snapped out of it and exited the bathroom.. I was in there for a good two hours, but I definitely felt better now. Mentally atleast.

When I exited the bathroom, niragi who was lying on his bed suddenly sat up. What was his problem?

"You got something you wanna say?"

I ask. And he immediately tenses up.
"N-no... you should get some rest, chishiya..."

He asked with so little confidence, making it sound like he was asking me a question.
I scoff before slightly nodding, after fixing the pain I was starting to feel the exhaustion, I guess sleeping couldn't hurt.

(Time skip, 2 hours later. 7:30pm)
-Niragis pov-

After an hour and a half, chishiya was out cold asleep. I couldn't even help starting at him while he slept, he looked much more.. peacefull?
I didn't get the 'he's gonna kill me' vibe from him anymore.
Of what I could see of chishiyas body, he was cut and bruised...
Poor bastard, even though I didn't like chishiya I felt bad. I've never seen him this vulnerable before.
no... I've never seen him vulnerable ever. Chishiya was always calm and cocky, as if he was unbothered by everything and anything.. yet here he was sleeping across the room from me Injured.
As I watched chishiya sleep, my mind races. Who was chishiya?- like really, what was his past? His likes or dislikes? His hobbies and dreams? His fears?- if he had those, I wanted to know more about him...


Chapter 5,

(poor bastard
A person you don't particularly like, but a person deserving of pity)

Wich fits this chapter perfectly for niragis pov! Hope yous like that I try and add the chapters title somewhere in the story ;)

Next chapter will somewhat focus on discovering chishiya, his past and who he is... obviously not fully cannon though- I gotta spice it up a bit.... spice it up a lot 💀


(994 words)

Mr.gunman (Niragi x chishiya)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora