New story Alert!!!!!

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Hello readers.

Another mafia book on the way 😜😜.

More excitement, more fun and more killing😩

Lol, just kidding

But trust me you'll enjoy this one
It's all shades of fun and amazing.

The title of the book is Spade.

And I'll begin posting it very soon.
Once I'm chanced and free

For now, here's a tip 😜😜😋

For now, here's a tip 😜😜😋

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Giovanni 'Spade' DeVille
Just like his last name, he's the devil.
Many fears him for he is ruthless and heartless.

His heart is cold as stone.
He fears no one but everybody fears him
The mention of his name sends shivers through people's spine.

He has no time for love, all he cares about are his business and his mafia.
If you as much as cross him, you'd be dead before you get to the finish line.

Like all made men his hands are stained with blood, he's no saint and he doesn't care.

All that changes because of one meeting.
A single meeting is all it takes to shake the very foundation of this ruthless man.

Everything he believes and stands for are hanging by a thread.
He begins to see things from a different perspective.
And his heart which he thought was dead and long rotten, begins to beat.
For one person and one person alone.

Nathan Miller

His to be brother in law.
It's a forbidden territory for him but it's a territory he's willing to cross just to understand what it is he's feeling.

It has never been heard of before
Not in a million years but Giovanni would break that spell and do the impossible.

Desire, lust and betrayal brews in the air in this mafia story.

But love always conquers all

But will the forbidden love between this two conquer the underworld??

Untamed (A mafia story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum