Chapter 9

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I can't believe Ivan actually waited outside the basement after I asked him to leave, he was really testing me.

Her screams had been ringing in my ears since, I just left the basement and found Ivan standing outside the basement with a look of hurt and pity on his face

What's his problem with her anyway, she doesn't deserve his pity or anyone's pity at all.
She's vicious, evil and a sly fox.

I walked past him and he started following right behind me.
"I asked you to leave didn't I"? I snapped at him still walking without looking at him

"What did you do to her D"? He asked almost breathless, I just breathe out not bothering to answer him
"Dimitri, what did you do to her"? He asked a little louder and I stopped to face him anger evident in my voice

"Nothing that concerns you Ivan, keep messing with my business like that again and I'll put a bullet through your head, family or not" I gritted out to him and he just chuckle shaking his head

"Are you threatening me now"? He asked and I turn back and start heading to my study, I hear his footsteps behind me, which means he's still following me.

"If you keep going like that, she's going to die, you'll kill her Dimitri" he voiced out with concern

"I don't see how that concerns me" I mutter taking the turn to my study

"As much as I want to believe that, I know you're not that heartless" he voices out making me scoff "at least let me Tend to her wound, it's bleeding too much" he adds making me stop abruptly, why does he care so much, she's a prisoner here and not some high end guest

I turn around making him stop again "What's your fucking problem with her Ivan"? I grit out "Why do you care so much"? I ask and he just stares at me before breathing out.

"Maybe because I'm human and I don't think what you're doing is really fair" he muttered out

"You of all people should know and understand why she's locked up in there, that woman in there is an assassin, a heartless one, she's married to one of the most powerful Don in the mafia world, She doesn't deserve your compassion or pity, places be switched Ivan and her husband captures you, she won't hesitate to kill you" I tell him and I see him just grow sad and defeated.

He should understand why I have her here, even if not completely but partly

"Is this about...." He starts saying and I cut him off with a hard glare

"Don't even say it Ivan, Don't" I snap before turning around and walking into my office, thank God he isn't following me.

I get in and relax my back on the door, trying to steady my breathing.
He just opened Pandora's box, he didn't say her name but I already know what he wanted to say

He doesn't know when to shut up, I manage to walk to my chair as I sit on it and my eyes drift to the photo frame on the table.

I wish I could have that smile on my face again, that was before everything happened, when I still knew what happiness meant.

My heart and gut are wrenching with unimaginable pain, everyday this is what I have to deal with while trying to carry this family, this mafia along and to high places.

I wish I never even became the Don, I should have turned my father down when he offered, but if I did, he probably would have killed me, or sent his men after me.

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