Chapter 45

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He was right, Ivan would not appreciate if anything happened to me, saving him or not, but that didn't mean I'd just sit in the sidelines and watch.

I've done that basically all my life and I'm tired of it.
So now, I'm stepping up
Dangerous or not, I was gonna try to help out in saving Ivan.

"If it's too dangerous then show me" I blurted out, stealing his attention from whatever he was thinking.

His head snapped up and our eyes met, his sage green eyes meeting my hazel ones.
"Show you what"? He asked

"Show me how to use a gun to defend myself, that way it'll be less dangerous and you won't have to worry about me" I explained and he just sighed out

"It doesn't work like that принцесса" he muttered calling me that name, that one that makes me wish I knew Russia, even if it's just a bit "Even if I show you how to use a gun, it doesn't make it any less dangerous, it only makes it more dangerous than it already is" he said making me scrunch my brows in confusion, how is that even possible

"Look, just drop it please, let me handle it on my own, you've done enough already" he muttered and i rolled my eyes at him

I hated that he thinks I am too fragile to handle this.
I'm stronger than I look

"Can you just stop deciding for me? Please, I hate it, it's what everyone around me has done to me all my life and it's suffocating" I whisper out feeling the lumps in my throat

He opens his mouth to speak but I go first
"I never chose to be born into this life, my parents made that choice for me, I never chose to be hidden all my life, they chose that for me, you kidnapped me from my home, I didn't choose that, you made the choice for me and many others that I didn't choose, so please for once let me know what it feels like to make a choice of my own" I pleaded my voice breaking "please Dimitri, just let me help you" I pleaded in ernest.

He just kept looking at me, he looked confused.
He breathe out before turning around, I was silently praying he agrees to me helping.

"If I do this..." He paused before continuing "if I let you help me, you have to promise that you will back out if it gets too dangerous" he said finally turning to look at me and I eagerly nodded my head "I can't teach you how to fight because of...." He paused looking at my stomach, I know what he was about to say, he quickly shook his head as if realizing I don't like talking about it
"But I'll teach you how to use a gun, just the basics" he muttered and I almost jumped up.

I nodded, trying to keep my cool
Now we're talking

The room became silent again as I picked on my fingers, now what?

"So you really don't know how to use a gun"? His voice made me look up and I found him staring at me, I couldn't decipher what he was thinking at the moment

I just shrugged my shoulders

"Wow, you don't know how to drive, you don't know how to use a gun, but your sister is a very deadly assassin and you practically live with men that kill people everyday, yet you can't use a gun" he muttered making me scrunch my brows, him putting it like that made it sound like a big deal

"What about a knife? Surely you know how to use a knife"? He asked his tone almost expectant but I disappointed him by shaking my head again

He sighed his shoulders slumping
"What? Not all of us like blood and killing people" I muttered looking down at my fingers

"You don't have to like blood or killing people to learn those things, it's to protect yourself" he explained and I rolled my eyes

"From what? I'm not a part of your world" I muttered

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