happy holidays

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hi loves,


2 kids,
6 year old, josiee,
4 month old, jett.

ava's pov:

"honey, can you hand me that ornament right there?"

todays the day that all the christmas decorations go up.

we usually have them done and up the day after thanksgiving but it was just too hard with the baby, and josiee, we just decided to do it when we felt like we could.

so both the kids are down for a nap,

well, jett is.

josiee is up in her room having her downtime for the day.

she knows that she doesn't come out of her room until me or billie come up and get her.

so usually, she'll sit up there and play with her toys, or even sometimes she'll lay down and take a nap.

billie stops what she's doing and carefully hands me the fragile ornament, going back to putting the garland on the staircase.

"thank you, angel." i smile, finding the perfect place for it to go.

"ava?" she asks from the top
of the stairs,

"yes love?"

"are we taking the kids out after downtime?" she asks,

"if your up to it, we don't have to if your not feeling like going anywhere. i know sometimes it's a hassle." i say,

billie has to really mentally prepare herself before we leave the house.

which makes sense. 

"yea, i'll be okay. i want them to get to see Santa and start shopping, i know we need to start doing all that." she says, continuing to wrap the garland around the railing.

"okay, well we have about 30 minutes more before josiee is able to come out, can you stick your head in there quietly to see if she ended up going down or not?" i ask, fluffing the branches on the tree, looking over at jett who's asleep in his bassinet.

"yup," she says, disappearing from my sight.

i then pull out one of my 'baby's first Christmas' ornaments.

i have like 7 or 8 of those..

i was the firstborn so everyone and their mothers got me one when i was a baby.

billie comes back down, smiling as she wraps her arms around my neck, her front against mine,

"she's asleep, all curled up in her bed. she looks so comfy." billie says as i place my hands on her waist, gently swaying back and forth.

"oh good, i'm glad. especially if we're gonna be going out later. she gets mean when she's tired recently." i giggle,

"she definitely gets that from you." billie says,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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