we'll be alright

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hi my loves.


billie's pov:

it's been 3 months since we had a baby.

and it's been quite the ride for me and ava learning what it's like to be mommy's.

we've learned that we had the happiest baby on the face of the earth, she loves to be held, she has very strong legs and tries to stand up on our lap when we try to burp her, the only time she really cries is when she's hungry or cold, we just really hit the baby lottery.

we decided today we were gonna take her for her first outing today.

i know it's crazy that she hasn't been out since she was born but like,

i'm billie eilish.

and people are fucking nuts.

sooo, our girl has just been chillin here for the past couple weeks.

and we're completely okay with it.

"here baby, can you take her so
i can get her outfit ready?" ava asks, rocking the 9 pound baby in her arms.

"yea, bring her over here," i say, sitting up on the couch.

she walks over, placing the swaddled up baby in my arms, sleeping away.

"okay, she's gonna start getting hungry in about 10 minutes. i should be back down here to give you the bottle but if not, it's in the fridge." she says as she begins to make her way upstairs.

"thanks angel." i say as i rub my daughters little head.

her soft jet black hair, its so precious.

"you're about to be really angry at me, aren't you little girl?" i say softly as she begins to move around in her swaddle, not quite awake yet though.

i carefully grab the remote, turning the tv on.

i turn the volume down so it doesn't scare her awake,

i push a random
channel and let it play, just wanting something to keep my attention.

but, before i know it, little miss Paisley is awake and she is not happy.

just like i said.

"shhh, it's okay honey. mama's gonna get your bottle." i say as i stand up with her, walking to the kitchen.

it seems that she really likes  movement and vibration, so when i start walking, she calms down a bit.

i open the fridge and pull her small bottle out, shaking it up.

"there we go, alright let's get you fed baby."

i make my way back to the couch where i see ava sittin down on the opposite couch i was.

"oh hi, she woke up and was kinda turning into baby hulk so i get her bottle," i say as we giggle at the fact that i called our daughter baby hulk,

motherhoodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें