my baby you'll be

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cutie chapter,

billie and ava
have a 2 year old named,
Lucy <3

ava's pov:

it's been hell for the past couple days.

me and billie picked lucy up from daycare the other day and immediately we knew something was off.

we got there and usually, she's happy and bubbly, wanting to show us what she did for the day, just a happy little toddler.

but the second she saw our faces, she started just sobbing.

like bawling her eyes out.

so of course billie literally ran over to her and picked her up, holding her against her,

we asked if she had a good day or if anything happened, they said she was absolutely fine.

but, little did we know, it was the start to one of the worst weeks ever.

we took her home, put her to bed and she woke up the next morning with a 101° fever and a cough that sounded like it hurt her little chest so bad,

we took her in to her pediatrician and they sent us straight to children's hospital because apparently, RSV has been flaring up more around this time.

especially in kids, 0-4.

so, we got there, poor lucy is just a hot mess, we're just as much of a hot mess,

cause y'know, that's our baby.

the worst pain as a mother is sitting there, watching your child in pain and knowing that there's absolutely nothing you can do that will fix it.


they run their tests and everything comes back great, except for the fact that she has strep and a double ear infection.

so they sent us home with an antibiotic for each, along with some kids ibuprofen to help with the pain.

but our girl, she's just been going through it.

she doesn't wanna sleep, and when she does sleep, it's not for long.

so me and billie have been taking turns getting up with her to the point where billie just hits her breaking point.

that's where we are now.

"nothing we're doing is fucking helping her ava! she's in pain!" billie yells, sitting up in bed as our little girl cries, making the baby monitor beep.

i sit up with her and try my best to calm her down,

"honey, hey, kids get sick. and it's hard. it's especially hard with little ones. right now, she just needs you to go in there, pick her up and hold her. sit in the rocking chair and rock her.  let her know she's okay and that mama's got her. she'll be okay, i know it's hard to hear her like that. but her bodies fighting off two different infections, my love. she's just exhausted." i say, watching her take all that in,

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