the 30th

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hi babies

🦋long chapter🦋

this will take place on november 30th the day, billie wrote her song, the 30th, about.

it hurts my heart hearing her talk about that day.

billie and ava have a
3 year old little girl.

her name is harlyn.

billie's pov:

~beep, beep, beep!~


another early morning.

these mornings kill me.

ava works at los Angeles children's hospital and drops harlyn off at daycare on her way.

so while ava's up in the shower, i have to be getting the baby up, dressed, hair done, fed and ready to be put in the car when ava comes down the steps to leave.

"hi beautiful,"

ava rolls over, wrapping her arm over my waist.

"mm, hi." i say tiredly.

"i know baby. it's early. just today and then it's the weekend." she says, cuddling me.

i nod and cuddle into her chest, hoping she'll stay in bed with me just a little longer.

but, it didn't work.

"cmon angel. i really gotta get up. i put harlan's morning milk cup in the fridge last night so all you have to do is go get it and bring it to her." she says, sitting up.

"okay, am i picking out her clothes today?"

sometimes ava likes her to wear a specific outfit, sometimes it's up to me.

i like when i get to pick.

"yep, go ahead lovely. make sure you put her in something warm." she says, leaving the bed to go into the bathroom.

i rub my eyes and stand up, slipping my sweatpants on.

i walk to the door and open it, leaving it open behind me.

i walk down the steps and make my way into the kitchen, taking the baby's milk out of the fridge like i was instructed, making my way back upstairs once again.

i then walk down the hall to harlyns room, carefully opening the door, letting the dim light from the hall way come in,

i don't turn her big light on because who wants to be woken up by a bright ass light in their eyes?

not me.

so i wont do it to my baby either.

i put her milk down on her dresser and turn off her sound machine,

i go over to her little toddler bed that she happily calls her 'big girl bed,'

i lean over and gently rub her back,

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