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hi angels <3

i hope everyone's okay!

billie and ava have
a newborn <3

her name is


⚠️very very brief
talk of death⚠️

ava's pov:

"shhh, shhh, it's okay. mommy's got you,"

i pick our sweet baby up out of her bassinet that's located right next to our bed, gently rocking her back and forth,

she continues to cry, letting me know she's hungry.

"is she okay?" billie groggily asks, looking up from the bed,

"she's okay, she's just hungry, go
back to sleep baby." i say, watching her put her head back down on the pillow.

i gently kiss our 2 week olds head, sitting down with her on the bed,

beginning to feed her.

i rub her soft head full of hair, watching her eyes flutter as she looks around.

i smile at her, seeing the beautiful little thing my body created.

that's such a crazy feeling.

like, i created her.

i sit her up to burp her and immediately she starts screaming because she doesn't wanna quit eating,

"i know baby, i know. you gotta give me a burp so your tummy doesn't hurt," i say, patting her back.

billie rolls over in the bed, facing us now,

"heyy, scarlett alivia," billie says grabbing her tiny little foot that's hanging on my leg as i burp her,

billie looks up at me, "what did you do to her?" she asks playfully,

"took her food away so i could burp her, unless you wanna deal with her when she's not feeling good cause she swallowed too much air, up to you," i say as the baby lets out a small burp,

"well thank you, miss priss, that was all i needed!" i say, kissing her face as i lay her back down to feed her again.

"what time is it?" billie asks, rubbing her eyes,

i tap my phone, watching the screen light up,

"it's 7:30, we have to get up anyways cause we have people coming today to see the baby." i say.

i'm not necessarily excited about everyone coming at one time to see her.

just, she's so tiny and everyone's so big and i just worry that something's gonna happen.

but i'm sure it'll all be okay, it's just family anyway.

"oh yea, i gotta get the kitchen clean. and myself put together." she says sitting up on the bed.

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