9 - Get 'em Tiger (Pt.1)

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Peter dodged several bullets coming his way. Completely ignoring his wound. He quickly finished off the guards. Peter winced as he swung away from the scene. Leaving the webbed-up guards for the police. He made his way to his apartment, ready to crash for the night and maybe eat a sandwich. Or two. Landing on the rooftop, he swiftly changed into his street clothes. "How does Spider- Duchess do it?" He wondered to himself. She seemed to change clothes quicker than he ever could. He shook the thoughts from his head and entered the building. He trekked down the hall towards his door when he was greeted by a neighbor. He refrained from rolling his eyes at the older lady. "Where have you been? Coming back late like this. You outta be ashamed of yourself. Disgracing your family. I'm sure they taught you otherwise. Right?" Peter opened his mouth to respond but she stopped him. "Nope! I don't want to hear it. Go home." Peter crossed his arms.

"Well, I was going to until you stopped me." He sassed. Man, he thought. That felt good... sorta'. She huffed at him and went inside of her room. Then before she shut the door she whispered, "Addict."

"To what?" Peter chuckled, not really caring for the answer. Maybe he would admit that he was slightly, ever so addicted to --- really enjoyed. Being Spider-Man. He shrugged it off and finally stopped in front of his apartment door. Well, former apartment at that point. He groaned and snatched to eviction notice from the door. "How am I supposed to pay this off in a day?" He whined, opening the door. He looked around to small living space and sighed. He shut the door behind him and sat down on his bed. His phone buzzed not even a minute after him sitting. He pulled it off the bedside table and had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Hey Tiger,
Do you wanna get coffee later?

Peter blinked again before responding.

You pick the place and time.

See you at the Coffee Bean tomorrow at 3:00.

Peter smiled as he put his phone away. After quickly changing into his pajamas he slipped four Pop Tarts into the microwave and checked his phone again. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw a text from a random number. He quickly opened it and read it.

This is Peter right?
This is Y/n from feast

Peter's eyes widened as he read it over and over to make sure he really had read it. He took a deep breath and began to type. "Dear Y/n..." He began. "Wait, no. That's too formal. Okay. Hi Y/n! Yeah, this is Peter. Ugh! No. Get a grip Parker. It's just this girl."

Hey Y/n
Yeah it's Peter.

Leaving ur number on someone's cup is really... Interesting

Cheesy you mean?

... Interesting I said


You know what?
See you at FEAST tmr

Um... When?

Peter would admit that he was a little out of touch. Miles even tried to give him a class on how to be "hip". Did people even use that expression anymore? Miles used the expression "in the loop".

Ur kidding right?
U don't know what "tmr" means?

Um... No.

How old are you man?
Hope that didn't sound mean...

Peter shouldn't have been too affected by it, she even made sure that didn't take it the wrong way. But he was, it hurt. For someone he liked to voice his biggest insecurities. Like his first highschool crush.

"Um, hey Gwen." A fourteen year old Peter shyly spoke to a blonde who was talking to her friends. The blonde girl turned around and raised an eyebrow. Peter gulped down his nerves and handed her a heart shaped box of chocolates. She held them in her hands. "Where'd you get those?" One of her friends hissed. Peter pushed his glasses back up on his nose. "The Goodwill?" Another friend filled in.

"Um. No. Walmart actually. They were on sale." He smiled at then but they frowned back. "Why did you give me these?" Gwen asked.

"Because I wasn't sure if you had gotten anything yet."

"Peter... You're cute and all. But look at you. Your clothes are second handed, your glasses are just plain ugly. Your body... Is... Not the... fittest. And the braces complete the look. I could never be seen in public with you. But thanks for the chocolate." Peter felt tears well up in his eyes and the friend group walked way. He ran to Harry's house and cried in his best friend's arms.

Peter sighed. There was no best friend to hold him until the pain went away. He was in Europe.

Hey, I didn't want to be mean
I'm sorry if I did.
I'll leave you alone now.

Peter decided that was for the best and laid down to get at least four hours of sleep. If he got that much.

He got more than four hours which left him feeling ready to tackle the day. Peter then decided to grab his belongings and head out the door. If he was going to get evicted he didn't want his valuables to be thrown away. The older lady greeted him in the hall. "I see you're being evicted. Hmph! Good riddance." She walked back into her apartment, slamming the door behind her. Peter finished leaving apartment building. As fate would have it, MJ bumped into him. "Oh! Hey Tiger." She smiled at him. "Hey!" He would've waved if his hands weren't full of trash bags. "Why...?" She began.

"Let's get that coffee. Then I'll tell you." Peter sighed. "I'm up for that Tiger."

Peter and MJ sat in window booth at the coffee shop across from each other. MJ har just finished laughing about something that Peter had said. "Really?!" She asked him breathlessly. Peter nodded. "Yeah. Anyway, why'd you ask me to come here?" MJ sighed and said, "It's not too good Pete."

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