A meaningful walk P2

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Toga Himiko:

'So then Himiko, you alright?' Ochako says looking deeply into my eyes.

'Yep I'm much better now that I'm talking to you again.' I say as we keep walking around outside UA hand in hand.

'You wanna sneak inside the buildings?' I say to Ochako with a devious grin.

'I can't believe I'm saying this... But sure! Let's go for it Himiko-chan!' 

'So here's the plan... You float us up to the roof and I'll pick the lock on the door up there, you good with it?' 

'Let's go for it honestly, I truly miss you Himiko-chan...'

'Alright then float us up!' I say with a smile.

Ochako then puts one of her hands onto me and the other on herself floating us both. 'Wow this is so cool!' I shout excitedly. 

'Haha try to be quite or we'll get caught silly!' Ochako says with a bright smile as I look deeply into her eyes. 

We float up to the UA building hugging and holding hands, we each look deep into each others eyes. Ochako then moves a piece of hair away from my face and says 'You had a bit of hair there...' She says smiling. 'Oh thanks' I say blushing and looking at her completely mesmerized, I slowly lean in closer to her, moving my face closer and closer... until my lips almost touch hers. Ochako floats us up faster which startles me and moves me further away.  'We shouldn't get caught up here let's go.' She says looking away from me as we keep a distance between us. 'Yeah sure..' I say disappointed that i may have made Ochako uncomfortable 

We then float up to the rooftop as I pick lock the door. 'Seriously how do you know how to do that!?' Ochako says shocked

'It's always been dangerous for someone with my quirk, I needed to practise my survival skills incase anyone ever tried to attack me..' I say with a stern look on my face.

'Awh I'm so sorry then Himiko-chan...' Ochako says look sympathetic. 

'It's alright don't worry.' I say smiling at her. 

'So where do you want to go in the school, you wanna head over to the teachers lounge?' I ask with a huge smile on my face.

'Let's go for it!' She responds as we start running to the teachers lounge while giggling. 

Once we get to the teachers lounge we sit on the sofas.

'You know what, we should have a sleepover soon.' Ochako says to me looking around the room considering we've never been in the teachers lounge before.

'We should!' I say smiling sweetly.

I'm happy she asked this though it seems she's ignoring what had happened when we where floating.

'Hey Himiko..?' She says looking at me in a worried way.

'Yuh Ochako?' I say smiling happily at her. 

'You haven't had blood in awhile, have you?' She says smiling at me pleasantly. 

'I'm so glad you mentioned it I've been craving it so much...' I say laughing. 

'Well come here then...' Ochako says as she shows me her neck. 

'You really want me to bite you like a vampire?' I say giggling.

'Well i've always wondered what a vampire bite is like, so why not.' She says giggling along with me.

I sit right next to her and move her hair away from her neck, as I do this she holds my hand. 'Here goes nothing.' I say laughing, she laughs along with me as I bite her neck. I feel the hot blood going into my mouth, and I feel how much I've been craving this. Not just the blood but Ochako, I truly have missed Ochako. I truly love her. 

As I drink blood from her neck she moves her shoulders slightly, seeming to be in satisfaction. Soon enough I stop drinking and softly add a plaster on the wound. As I look at Ochako I see her smiling 'You better now?' She asks me while keeping this smile a completely calming smile.

'Much better thank you...' I say smiling back, in my full true smile.

'Hey but Ochako... We should talk about what was happening when we were floating...' I say looking deep into her eyes. 

'What do you mean what happened when we were floating?' She asks confused.

'It seemed almost romantic...' I say blushing 

Ochako seems to blush too, though she quickly builds a frown. 'I'm jealous you know.' She says looking annoyed. 'Of what?' I ask confused. 'You talk about us being romantic, when you are literally trying to get with my damn crush!' Ochako says seeming much more annoyed even angry.

'What do you mean your crush?' I ask her confused, worried and jealous. All of these feelings mixing inside me.

'You are obviously trying to get with Deku-kun, your always flirting with him and blushing around him!' She says sounding jealous. 

'You like Izuku!?' I say completely surprised. 'You never told me that! I'll give him up if you want me too, you matter more...' I say blushing at her and looking deep into her eyes lovingly.

A tear goes to Ochako's eye. 'Somehow that doesn't make me feel better.' 

'Hey Ochako it's okay...' I say as I hug her. 

'You know what! If you want to live like this, crushing on every boy who's nice to you, then you will have to deal with the consequences!' She says angrily to me.

'Well wow. I see how it is...' I say as I stand up and leave the room, almost immediately after i leave i burst into tears.

What if I had found love sooner... (A togaraka story)Where stories live. Discover now